Saturday, 4 July 2020

Well the upper catchment caught some rain at last with at least a two foot rise on its way down so should be affecting the lower beats tomorrow and perhaps get fish moving upriver .  Still reports of numbers of fish down there and further upstream at Goodrich, gillie Mick Sutton had a 12lb fish on fly yesterday.  So, with a little luck the fish may be more spread out next week giving upstream anglers a glimpse of a chance at least.


I see WUF are starting again on the completion of  Ballsgate weir on the Lugg   Must be the biggest white elephant they have attempted yet.   Few if any fish (salmon) to take any real advantage of it and though they talk of pristine environment above it they forget to mention the crayfish.  Elvers certainly don't need any help to ascend a weir whatsoever .   Keeps the working party going however and those guys have done some real hard work over the years under Louis McDonald Ames.  They at least deserve to see their efforts produce results.


Salmon actually got to the top end of the river years ago too.

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