Friday, 3 July 2020

Some substantial rain forecast for today especially for western hills -lets hope they get it right this time.
Nothing else to report regarding any fish catches from anywhere on the river.  Seems unlikely there were non but there you go!.   In my opinion reported catches to date are a sick joke.
Robert Pashley and others examining upper river spawning sites.

This is worth a read.   If the regulations on this Power station were thoughty necessary at the time why seek to change them I wonder.


Nuclear Regulation News


Hinkley Point C:
Update on Permit Variation Application

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited, Hinkley Point C Power Station, Hinkley Point, near Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 1UD

Permit application number EPR/HP3228XT/V004   

  • In March 2019, we wrote to you to tell you we had received a permit variation from NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited (NNB GenCo), the operating company at Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, which is located on the north Somerset coast near Bridgwater, Somerset.
  • The Company wants to remove one of the environmental protection measures, an Acoustic Fish Deterrent (AFD), from its cooling water intake pipes and so applied to us to vary its existing permit to remove the AFD.
  • We ran a public consultation in 2019 to seek your comments on the proposed application.
  • This briefing note explains what has happened to date and what happens next.
The original permit was granted to NNB GenCo by the Environment Agency in 2013. The permit covered the discharge of trade effluent, consisting of cooling water, back into the Bristol Channel. The initial design required the Company to abstract and discharge this cooling water using three measures, which would work together, to reduce the environmental impact of this activity. The measures were a Low Velocity Side Entry intake, a Fish Recovery & Return System (FRR) and an AFD system.
What does the Company want to do?
The Company no longer believes it is necessary or practicable to install an AFD system on its marine intake pipes. In March 2019, we wrote to you to tell you we had received an application from the Company to vary its current permit to remove the conditions related to this measure.
What happened next?
The Company submitted a number of reports and data in support of its application to vary its permit. We ran a public consultation from 15 March - 26 July 2019 to seek your comments on the proposed application. The consultation was available on our on-line consultation portal called Citizen Space. A link to this was provided in our first briefing note.
We received in excess of 100 comments following our consultation. We are considering your comments, together with the information supplied by the Company, to help us decide whether the Company's proposals are acceptable or not.
Why were we consulting?
We ran a public consultation because HPC is a major infrastructure project, important at local, national and international scales. We understood that changes at the site were likely to be of significant public interest.
Where are we now?
The information the Company provided to us in support of its application is technically challenging. When we reviewed the application, we recognised that further information about the Fish Recovery & Return system (FRR) was required. We requested the information by issuing a Schedule 5 notice to the Company.
As the Company wants to remove the AFD from its cooling water intake pipes, we need to fully understand what effect this will have on the FRR system and the 'receiving environment', i.e. water quality, species and habitats, when water (including biota) is returned from the FRR system back into the Bristol Channel.  
On 7 October 2019 we issued a Schedule 5 notice to the Company, asking for a revised and updated Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment document to include their consideration of:
·         The discharge of potentially polluting matter from the FRR outlet.
·         The Marine Strategy Framework Directive - in respect of the discharge of potentially polluting matter and the effect this may have when returned to the Bristol Channel.
·         A wider scope of water bodies, to include Bristol Channel inner and upstream fresh water bodies, and sensitive features as identified by the Water Framework Directive.  

We gave the Company a deadline of 7 December 2019 to respond to our request. This deadline was subsequently extended at the Company's request.
We received a response from the Company on 17 January 2020 but they failed to answer all of our questions. We requested and then received a further revised response on 21 April 2020, which we are currently reviewing.
Part of the permit determination process requires us to undertake a new Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) in line with the requirements of the 'Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017'. We need to do this to understand the effects the proposed changes will have on the integrity of the European designated sites and Ramsar sites.
The new HRA is an ongoing, substantial piece of work, which is being internally and externally peer-reviewed.
Keeping you updated
We will only issue a permit variation if the Company can demonstrate it will have appropriate management systems in place to conduct its operations without causing unacceptable harm to the environment or human health.
We will only make a draft decision on the permit variation once we have analysed all the relevant evidence. If we are minded to grant the permit we will run a further consultation to ask for your comments before making a final decision.
This second consultation will allow you to raise any further issues you feel we need to be aware of before making our final decision. We are hoping to reach a draft decision by October 2020.
If you would like your name added to our mailing list for this purpose, or you would like to be removed from our mailing list please email us.
Please do not send further consultation comments to this address.
Where can I find more information?
Copies of our Schedule 5 request and the Company's response are publically available. You may request electronic copies of these from our National Customer Contact Centre. Please quote the following number in your request: SW/EPRHP3228XT/006. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide hard-copy documents during the current circumstances.
·         Information about our role in regulating Hinkley Point
Email us if you have an enquiry about our work on other issues.
You can continue to report any environmental incidents at the site via our free 24 hour incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60. 

Our approach to regulation and enforcement during the coronavirus outbreak
We are working hard with the government and other partners to protect the public and environment from the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19). Read about our response on GOV.UK

We have published an approach to regulation and enforcement during the coronavirus outbreak.


Email our Permitting Service if you have any questions about this permit application.

Read our website for general information about our permitting process. 
Hinkley Point

Read our website for further information about Hinkley Point.

Email us if you have a question about our work on other local issues.

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