Monday 11 July 2016

Some more instances of illegal fishing on the river below Hereford by Canoeists and the behaviour those who challenge them have to put up with. The few gillies left have to cope with this or similar behaviour on an almost daily basis.
All three incidents were reported to the EA.. No action was ever taken as far as is known. No surprise there then!!!!

Image 1116 shows two guys fishing from a canoe only a few days ago. They were in a party of six hired craft and when I had a word with them the answer from the fat bloke covering his face was ' You just come and try stopping me'

Image 029. Now this was an interesting one back in June 2013. This guys homemade boat was fitted with wheels and made to fit in the back of his transit van. He simply drifted down the river and fished where ever he pleased. He had a bicycle on board and at the end of the day he hid his boat and cycled back to his van and slept the night in it. He then continued the following day floating down river fishing where ever he pleased.
. Two days later he turned up at Ingestone. The gillie had a 'word' with him and I've not seen this character since!

Image 0457. I told the lad with the rod that he was not allowed to fish. The older guy, who I presumed to be his father, went berserk and started swearing at me at the top of his voice. When I suggested that he was not setting a very good example he paddled to the bank, started to get out of the canoe shouting that he was coming to knock my f.......g head off my shoulders. Fortunately the two rods that were fishing came down the bank to see what the shouting was about. He then changed his mind and paddled off telling his boy to carry on fishing.

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