Monday 11 July 2016

Carrying on from yesterdays poaching incident in the Cadora/Upper Bigswier area another quite similar incident was reported from Whitney where coarse fisherman day rod Justin Owen was confronted at 8am by two men in an inflatable dinghy fitted with an electric outboard spinning from the dinghy on beat 5 of the Whitney Estate water..   They did in fact catch and land a pike which another coarse day rod had to help them unhook. It was returned.
 Terry Ward was informed and he visited Bredwardine and although speaking to other canoeists and waiting a couple of hours the dinghy never showed up..
The illegal fishing from craft seems to be an increasing trend and without some proper deterrent it's likely to continue.  It seems we no longer have an effective bailiff force who seem mostly react to incidents rather than being pro active.  It;'s not entirely their fault of course as numbers have been reduced to a level where they can no longer carry out their duties in a meaningful way and it's just another example of how poor the service is we receive from EA/NRW these days.
The canoe situation is deplorable in many areas with no attempt to control things other than a meaningless, toothless code of conduct which does nothing to address the numbers issue, with no enforcement and no penalties for transgressors whereas a mere mention of a fishery offence by an angler would be ruthlessly pursued.   Funny old world!!!


Looks like a grotty sort of day with a grotty looking river, slowly falling.

Fish reported Sunday from Coedithiel 4.5lbs for Gerald Beers.
Also a fish from Redbrook to Simon Mclucas on f/c - I presume yesterday too?
3 grisle 4/5lbs reported from Wyebank by |Don Macer Wright Friday and Sat morning on fly.

LATEST, Upper river clearing well after rising a little again.  Clarity reasonable though height still problematic.
Elan valley dames are now all full and overtopping.
This was Craig Goch on Thursday after heavy overnight rain (see below). The dam below, Pen -y -Garreg was just starting to topit's dam whilst the bottom one Craig  Dhu was still several feet down. It's now full so no excuse for some top up water as long as it's significant enough to actually make a difference..

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