Saturday 9 July 2016

Overnight rain in the hills has again prompted a small sharp rise with water also from the Irfon and Ithon.  Should keep levels freshened up and fish running though the big numbers reported running downriver  as usual seem not to be showing up with still no new fish at Builth Wells or above. Perhaps this spate will do it but it's dirty one alright and a no go on the upper river below the Ithon for at the moment it's really grotty!!

At approximately 12.15 today a red zodiac / inflatable type boat was seen coming down through Cadora Backs and then Cadora Fisheries [below Monmouth]. It contained 3 men, 1 spinning, and 2 dragging a net. The Upper Bigsweir gillie challenged them and they moved on down river. The Monmouth Police were informed and the gillie drove down to Bigsweir to inform the rods there to look out.
The beat owner reported the incident to  the EA helpline.

This may not be their first trip down and certainly will not be their last, we have no idea at present where they are getting out so any information will be useful.

Please keep an eye out when fishing or when walking your beat and inform EA helpline 0800 80 70 60 if you see anything suspicious. Good lucjk with calling that number!!!

No doubt as word of more fish in the river gets out these incidents will be more common. More to the point many will happen at night and exactly who is there these days to stop them!!!!

Saw this extraordinary 'security' measure on an Elan valley fishery gate.  Was it merely an expensive way to make the chain longer or to seriously deter would be trespassers.  Having said that each end of the chain was secured by a 1" staple hammered into the gatepost which could be removed in seconds.Losing a key would be a nightmare,.
Mans ingenuity never fails to astonish!!!!

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