Saturday 30 July 2016

River conditions pretty good everywhere.  Should be more fish today perhaps?

LATEST  Non reported so far.  8.15pm


I have now been on the Martin Sheen for 10 days.  It is remarkable to work with this crew.  They are dedicated, professional, kind and hard-working.
We are currently anchored at a salmon farm in Okisollo Channel where 100s of farmed Atlantic salmon are dying daily on the Fraser sockeye migration route.  I am hoping that DFO will come and test these fish to confirm whether or not the greasy effluent from this farm is exposing this threatened run of Fraser sockeye salmon running through the Discovery Islands, off Campbell River right now. This run of sockeye is so low there is no commercial or sport fishing on them, it seems to me DFO could at least come out to this farm to assess the situation.
If you are interested and/or want to help you can visit the ship's log at
Take a look at the pictures of this farm.  It really gives you an idea of what goes on there.
Thank you to the farm workers for your patience with us as you deal with the rotting farm salmon.  We await DFO.

Alexandra Morton

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