Friday 29 July 2016

Some fish today.,
  2 from Ingeston   11lb to Andre Sobczak and 9lb to Kevin Tynan
15lb fish from Cadora Backs to Maurice Hudson on Usk Grub

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Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., July 29, 2016
ASF RIVERNOTES gives the latest on river closures and state of salmon returns
It is nearly the end of July and there have been a few surprises along the way. High temperatures have closed Miramichi cold pools, but in other areas salmon runs are proceeding well. Read more:

ASF Considers Unlawful and a Conflict of Interest the Release of the Placentia Bay Aquaculture Project from Environmental Study
A decision released after the end of the day last Friday by the Newfoundland Government to release from environmental scrutiny the huge Grieg proposal for 11 salmon farms growing 7 million farmed salmon per year points to conflict of interest. Read more:

ASF Draws Attention to First Commercial Use of European Strain in Canada
As part of an overview of the precedent-setting project, ASF gives details that are alarming to those concerned with the welfare of Newfoundland's wild salmon runs.

Salmonid Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Adds its Voice
SCNL provided very strong views on the move by the provincial government.

Miramichi Closures Due to High Temperatures
Check on the pools now closed due to high temperatures and low water.

ASF Regional Directors' Blog - Another disaster in PEI
ASF's Lewis Hinks describes the heartache of finding yet another fish kill on a PEI river.

Norway Study Shows Wild/Farmed Salmon Interbreeding Negatively Impacts Wild Runs
A major study of 147 salmon rivers in Norway has shown that farmed salmon are affecting many salmon rivers in the region.

U.S. Feds will Help Pay for Removal of Dam in Maine
The U.S. Government is joining ASF in an effort to improve fish passage on the Sheepscot River for endangered salmon runs.

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