Thursday 7 July 2016

Good fishing conditions today with a good overcast and pleasant temperatures.
Should be a good day!

TODAY so far.
Robin Stewart with a 9lbs fish on fly from Wyesham.
Wyaston Crown  6lbs fish to Clive Peglar also on fly
Nyth. A 25lb fish to Peter Fraser
&lbs from Breinton to Matt blunt F/c


Some of you may not have seen this.  All is not as we hoped.  Some of the spin may be true -we don't know they don't monitor anything.
The New Director still has a parrot on his shoulder it seems.  Good luck Simon!!!

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WUF Trustees staff and Partners

Tuesday 5 July, 2016

Wye & Usk Foundation Chief Executive & Advisory Director Announcement

Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE has led the Wye & Usk Foundation as Executive Director from its inception in 1996. Since then, he has overseen the building of fish passes, habitat restoration and innovative projects to rectify the effects of acid rain and diffuse pollution on our rivers. Much of this work is what is behind the recovery in fish numbers with the Wye now seeing the best salmon catches for 20 years.

On 1st July, Stephen took up the position of Executive Director at Afonydd Cymru, whilst also moving into an Advisory Director role within WUF. Simon Evans, previously Deputy Director, has taken up the position of Chief Executive at the Foundation.

Stephen commented: “Today I retire from the role of Executive Director of The Wye and Usk Foundation at a time when I feel confident that the Wye’s recovery will be in the safe hands of the new Chief Executive, Simon Evans, and the Trustees of the Foundation. Simon has been with the Foundation for over 12 years, latterly as Deputy Director, and has been instrumental in much of our work."

"I am delighted to accept the role of Advisory Director and Company Secretary of The Wye and Usk Foundation, and to continue my support of The Foundation and its work, an organisation which I founded over 20 years ago. ‎

"The River Wye’s recovery over this period bucks the trend of nearly every river in England and Wales, all of which have witnessed declines in their salmon stocks.”‎

"I would like to thank the huge number of fishery owners and anglers who have been so generous in their support during my 21 year spell with the Foundation, and also our partners including The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales".

"Together with my ongoing support of The Wye and Usk Foundation, I shall be taking up the role of Executive Director of Afonydd Cymru, the umbrella trust for Wales’ river trusts, of which The Wye and Usk Foundation is also a member."

For the full press release, please use the Press Releases section on the left hand menu or click here.

The photo above is of WUF Trustees, staff and partners.

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