Wednesday 6 July 2016

With a decent run of grilse now entering the Wye the scope and intensity of it remains to be seen but a 'lot' of fish were reported yesterday on downstream beats, some as far as Hereford. With the river still falling it remains to be seen how far they get.They are not normally as good takers as the spring and 2sw fish.   Not many fish seem to have accessed the upper river above Builth Wells following the recent spate.

Five today from Wyesham  7-11-9-10 and 18lbs on FLY.
Two from Upper Bigswier 18 and 6lbs on F/c
15lb from Goodrich to Chris Price on fly.
Rectory 8 and 13lbs. Steve Barnes an Robert Markland.
 12 and 15lbs from Gromaine/|U|pper Llanstephan
Andrew Thorpe 11lbs from the the Sheepwash, on a Mepps.
Ron Valentine a 4 pounder from the Carrots

Thank god the Welsh football is all over . Not much on the Welsh news but that for the last couple of weeks,  If its not football it's rugby. Still there is nothing else in Wales is there except the fishing which the WAG seem to be trying to downgrade all the time,

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