Sunday 15 May 2016


Three fish so far;

Lower Carrots and Luggs mouth  7lbs to Glyn Cawte. Spinning.

Two from Wyesham on the F/C again 8lbs to Neill Ford and 10lbs to
Jamie Taylor
One for Glanwye. 13 1./2lbs to John walker on fly
Yet another for Stan Turner at Aramstone on a F/C  20lbs.    Taken on a 5o year old cane rod
won in a Angling Time 'Fish of the week' competition by Malcolm Bishop whom some of you may remember.

Ist fish reported from Eardisley apparently.  15lbs to Malcolm Hawkes on fly
Good to see those on the WSA day at Red Lion trying to improve their fly fishing technique. What was disappointing however, from a purely personal point of view, was the tackle that some of them, quite a few of whom were beginners, had been sold by local tackle establishments   There seems to be a fixation with Rio shooting heads, Scandi or Skagit likes most of which under normal Wye conditions are not necessary.  Its a crash bang style of fishing, especially in the hands of beginners. as these lines were designed for specific purposes and are not required on the Wye in most areas from now on.. A mid/long Spey line with an assortment of tips is really all that's needed from now to the end of the season.  Its much more pleasant to cast and does all that's needed. I'm not sure they were sadly given the right advice at considerable expense too.
On another forum our wag from far off  Llandielo who has never fished the Wye or caught a Wye salmon tells us the river around the Red Lion is full of fish according to his friend Steve.  Well you did work for WUF once didn't you Dave, therefore you know everything don't you?


" Quite in contrast to what a new Red Lion anglers was telling me on Friday. Plenty of fish about now, the Wye is really showing a resurgence. And before you start saying 'Comm1 is making it up blah blah blah' I am not, it's from a very reputable source and an accomplished Wye angler.
His name is Steve and that's all you need to know."

.Well I don't know who Steve is but perhaps he should show us how to do it. With  5 off the Red lion, Non off Eardisley, Non off Letton, one off Garnons by prime time mid May,  where exactly is the resurgence.  That's not running the river down those are the bare facts. The reason many of the guys yesterday where wondering why they had yet to catch a fish the simple reason was they have not shown the fly to one yet.  Most fished well enough to contact one if only a fish were there and they are not in any numbers.

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