Saturday 14 May 2016

Only one fish reported so far from yesterday. Disappointing given the conditions which continue to improve through the middle and lower river.   Almost certain to be a better day today surely.

Report of a salmon on beat five Red Lion this morning 15lbs. otherwise fish were distinctly absent as the WSA held their latest instruction day to a full compliment of anglers.  On a river dropping from the recent small spate there was no sign of any new fish and none were caught by those participating.  nevertheless a good day was had by all and new faces and new friends came together for a very pleasant day out on the river.

Below is one of the participants Bob Mason fishing on beat two.  Like everyone else there were no salmon but he did win a bottle of Black Grouse whisky in the raffle right under my nose.  Nice to meet you Bob, good luck for the rest of the season.

There are reports of running fish seen in considerable numbers below Ross but no further reports of catches so far.   Surely there must be more fish reported today.
Well as it turned out there were.
8lb fish for AlistairTthompson from Spreadeagle
11-1/2lb fish from Luggs Mouth to Bob Rudd F/C
12lb for Darren Bell Ross

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