Friday 13 May 2016

Good chance this weekend for the upper and middle beats to get some action assuming fish have had the chance to move upriver.  In truth it was a small brief spate which sometimes does little other than move resident fish around from beat to beat.  However time will tell and I would expect levels to drop away pretty quickly so fish NOW.  Lowest beats need a little more time to be at their best.

12lb fish on fly from Caermawr to Wayne Tyler.
Have you had your invitation to the WUF bash at the Swan Hotel, Hay on Wye. next Thursday.

Not had mine yet!!!! Not holding my breath.

Wondered who was paying for the drinks then realised that explains the £48 charge for entrance on the first day.  Turns out your paying after all..

Perhaps just for once the EU can make a difference re Scottish Salmon Aquaculter.  Is it enough of  a reason to stay in though?

S&TC UK Newsletter with this month's latest news, events and offers

Top Stories this month from S&TC UK

For the first time our chalkstreams and rivers have been assessed in a national survey. The results are truly shocking.

Action taken after Scottish Government fail to do enough to control sea lice parasite issue on Scottish salmon farms.

2016 Riverfly Census appeal - please help us survey more rivers
83% of rivers fail the test of "good ecological status".
Please help us raise the funds required to improve this situation.

Dates for the diary

25 May from 6 - 9 p.m. S&TC reception at Orvis, Lower Regent Street, London W1. A great opportunity to meet friends old and new in Orvis's stylish new London outlet while supporting S&TC . Band, magician, free food and drink - and lots more.

14 June from 11:30 a.m. Annual Meeting of the Membership at Fishmongers' Hall. Annual review by Chairman Richard Bronks and senior officers, followed by lunch prepared by Fishmongers' prizewinning team of chefs. Contact Debbie Creasy - to book your place.

6th October from 7 p.m. Annual Dinner and Auction .  This glamourous black tie event is the highlight of the gamefishing calendar!  Tickets @ £120.00 ea, £1,100 for tables of 10, available now from Debbie Creasy -

The 2016 Show Programme is available here.
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© Salmon & Trout Conservation UK Admin Office, PO Box 1301, Maidstone ME14 9PX Company registration number 5051506 Charity No. 1123285 Charity Registered in Scotland: SC041584

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