Monday 16 May 2016

Another fine sunny dry day.  River continues to fall Catches still less than modest at the moment.

One from yesterday.  Henry Sayer had a 12lb fish from Ingeston on a spinner.

TODAY Wyeastone Leys.  15lbs to Andrew llewellyn   F/C
Redbrook.   17.5lbs to Robin Stewart -spinner.
Cadora Backs.  Maurice Hudson  8lbs  F/C

As the big day approaches still have not had my invitation to the drinks party from WUF .  Can't understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See below from the EA;   Gives the office staff something to do!!

Did you know you could accidentally be spreading invasive species?
Water primrose, quagga mussels and so-called ‘killer shrimp’ are just a few invasive non-native species that can be devastating to British plants, fish and ecosystems.
Last year we spent £180,000 trying to remove topmouth gudgeon from our fisheries - a particularly nasty invader which damages fisheries and outcompetes many of our native species. As a result, we’re hoping the species will be wiped out in Britain by 2017.
‘Killer shrimp’ can easily get stuck on your clothing

So what can you do to help?
Protect your fishery: check, clean and dry your kit.
Check your equipment, boots
and clothing for living organisms.
Clean and wash all equipment,
boots and clothes thoroughly.
Dry all equipment
and clothing.
Get back into angling with a free angling event!
Want to bring your family fishing or help a friend get back into angling? No matter what their experience, find free angling activities for everyone at
Don’t forget to help new and young anglers stop the spread of invasive species by following the check, clean and dry guidance above.
Brown trout - photo courtesy of Jack Perks
A national fish for the UK? Vote for your favourite now!
Wildlife photographer, Jack Perks, recently tried to film every species of freshwater fish in the UK. He now believes we need a ‘national fish’... have your say and choose from the 10 shortlisted fish at the UK National Fish Survey website.
Jack’s blog about the merits of different UK fish will help you make your decision.
Hexham fish pass
Saving salmon stocks from decline
Salmon stocks across much of the country, and Europe, are in decline. We have been working with our partners to develop a 5-point approach to help address this by:
improving marine survival
reducing exploitation by nets and rods
removing barriers to migration and enhancing habitat
safeguarding sufficient river flows
maximising spawning success by improving water quality
This new approach builds on the work we and our partners have done. For example, since 2009 we’ve worked together to install 82 fish passes on England’s main salmon rivers.
Our Deputy Director of Fisheries, Sarah Chare, has written a blog on how to restore salmon stocks.
Don’t cheat on anglers!
Please ensure you are fishing legally and don’t do anything that may harm fish and other wildlife. Check the rules for freshwater fishing.
If you are fishing for coarse fish with 3 or 4 rods, you must have 2 licences.
Find information on where to fish at from the Angling Trust.
Creating a better place to blog
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