Tuesday 17 May 2016

3 from Wyesham  12-12- and 8lbs -all spinning to George Adams, Alan Shufflebotham and Mike Sutton respectively.
3 too from Whitney Court. 13 an 10 to Adrian Batty. F/C again and 8lb on fly to Terry Ward.

TODAY.    A good day allround.  An early morning fish to Dave Roberts on the Carrots. a small fish of 6lb taken on a small Toby.

Three More from Wyesham.10-11-12 to Mike Timmis,Stephen Braithwaite and german visitor Phillip Haubrock rspectively. On?  Yes F/C
12Lb fish from Glanwye to Roy Howell on fly.
3 more from Wyesham  M Timmis 12 and 9lbs fly and F/C  Ashley Cox 20lbs fly
Ross James.  two from Courtfield 17.5 and 6lbs spinning.
Anothwer from Courtfield for Donny Wright 10lbs on fly

Two more from Aramstone for Stan Turner late this evening 21lbs and 10lbs on F/C

No recent reports from Bigswier who must surely be catching fish too with an increase in 2sw now  arriving it seems..

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