Saturday 23 April 2016

See no reason why it should not be another good day for quality springers though the upper river is now very low so its mainly down to the lower beats now.

Started off well anyway with a 20lb plus fish from Upper Bigsweir this morning on a Super Snaelda fly to Nathan Jubb.  Sea liced so they are still coming in on good tides. Hopefully lower Bigswier will get off the mark this weekend. See below

Andy Kennard also had a nice 12lb fish this morning from Wyebank.

Below is a picture of his 11lb fish from yesterday

2nd fish today from Lower Bigsweir from Digby's on fly by Nathan Jubb again  15lbs

A fish from Luggs mouth Hereford DAA water by Charles Davies.  16lbs  F/C

Fish from Bigswier, their third in fact  6 1/2lb immaculate early grilse? by Steve Locke on spinner

Another fish from Loxsters Pool  on Whitney on fly for visiting angler James Martin 12lbs

Below a picture of a 15lbs fish caught at Ross this morning with what appears to possibly  be UDN on its head

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Apr. 22, 2016
Live Release in 2016 for Maritimes Salmon Angling
DFO's Minister Hunter Tootoo announced 2016 would be live release angling only for rivers in NB, NS and PEI. None of the NB tributaries of the Restigouche met the Conservation Minimum, and neither did the Miramichi.

ASF's Bill Taylor and Jonathan Carr discussed the runs on CTV. Check it out:

Basics on the upcoming angling season

An editorial in New Brunswick's provincial newspaper, the Telegraph-Journal drew attention to the need for a renewed focus on the restoration of runs of Atlantic salmon:

New Look at the Atlantic Salmon Genome Published in NATURE
The Atlantic salmon genome is 2.97 gigabases in size, contains 37,000 genes and is similar in size to the human genome.  This complexity is partly due to a total duplication of the chromosomes some 80 Million years ago. Read more on the study.

Are Atlantic Salmon Colonizing Baffin Island?
An Atlantic salmon caught at Clyde River, half way up the eastern side of Baffin Island is raising questions on global warming impacts there.

Didymo Impact on Atlantic Salmon Foodwebs to be Studied
Researchers at Mt. Allison University will be looking at "Rock Snot" as it is called, and especially at how it affects nutrients and the food of Atlantic salmon.

Brad Burns on Striped Bass and Atlantic Salmon
Monte Burke interviews a master fly fisherman on these two species, finding interesting insights along the way.

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