Sunday 24 April 2016

Yesterday.  Another late yesterday evening for Don Macer Wright from the rocks at Courtfield.  8lbs on a spinner.

Another good day in prospect. Stand by for more fish I suspect. These are likely from the mid and lower river however.  Only six fish caught above Erwood and it's nearly the end of April so things are pretty dire upstream.

12lb fish today from Digbys at Upper Bigsweir by Nathan Jubb on a size 6 Cascade.
Prime condition but no adipose fin!!   In case anyone questions this I am reliably informed that what may look like one is in fact a stone on the riverbed.


Nigel Smith with his second of the season from 'The Planks' on the Golden Mile,   8lbs on a Willie Gunn.


A fish today from Bigswier by Grant Turtle. Estimated 12lbs.. 32" on a   Willie Gunn Super Snaelda

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