Tuesday 1 March 2016

As previously mentioned RWGA now have an excellent silver cup (The Norman Owen Memorial Cup) to present to the angler who catches the heaviest FLY CAUGHT Wye salmon.  Those wishing to enter for the cup please contact me on 01497 821889 or uskside1@tiscali.co.uk or Derrick Maund our Treasurer on 01981 550054 or orchard777@btinternet.com.   Photographic evidence  or a relaible witness would be an advantage.

We try and give a voice to anglers on the Wye and would welcome any new members. You do not of course have to be a gillie.  membership is just £10. per year. If you are interested contact the persons listed above, we would welcome your input..

N>B.  River rose a couple of feet or so upriver this morning with considerable colour.  May maker this somewhat difficult on opening day. More heavy rain/snow showers forecast

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