Sunday 28 February 2016

With opening day now looming river conditions are good in most areas and it seems that only rain forecast on Monday evening through Tuesday can put a spoiler on things though hopefully it will not be too prolonged. Thereafter it looks cold and unsettled.

With such high water most of the winter an early season fish could pop up anywhere on the river and it will be interesting to see if any of the traditional very early springers still exist in any numbers. Two fish over 25lb have already come from the Hampshire Avon and spring rivers in Scotland have also had some decent fish so hopes must be higher than usual.
Question is where will the first fish come from. On the upper river the Spreadeagle was always a good bet or perhaps the Red Lion.  Hereford beats could also score first but my bet would be lower down at Ingeston or somewhere in the Ross area. As always though Wyesham and Bigswier will always remain in the picture given the right conditions.

Spinning will be the main attack I suspect but do not disregard the fly and this could be the best chance to win the silver cup put up this year by the River Wye Gillies Association (The Norman Owen Memorial Cup) to be awarded to the biggest FLY CAUGHT Wye salmon. The first trophy for the Wye angler.


A few rods are still available for 2016 on the well know Dan-y-Parc beat of the River Usk situated just a short distance below Crickhowell Bridge and extending for some 1 1/2 miles downstream on both banks.   A well maintained private beat with excellent vehicular access with a good mixture of fly water for both trout and salmon.  There is easy wading. The beat takes four rods split into two daily rotating.  beats I understand no bait fishing is allowed on this beat.

If your interested in fishing this private beat, and why wouldn't you,  please contact the owner for further details  at rm.a@btinternet

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