Saturday 5 March 2016

Another small lift in upper river levels overnight, notably the Ithon so bound to be some colour.  Still snow on high ground.  Best keep the powder dry a while longer yet.  Outlook looks more promising weatherwise though.


Some poor spirited, not to say hypocritical and mealy mouthed people in this world, even the fishing world it seems from time to time.

Following the recent announcement of our new RWGA cup to the captor of the biggest fly caught Wye salmon I asked Stuart Smith to circulate the details to members of WSA for their information.  This he kindly did and this is a response he received from one Jonathon Heron.   I have no idea what his problem is but the light of the P.C fanatic surely burns bright in there somewhere.  As for ghillies encouraging people to kill fish it was always the other way round in my experience!!

From: Jonathan Heron []
Sent: 02 March 2016 06:18
To: Stuart Smith
Cc: Dr Stephen Marsh - Smith
Subject: And that's the problem

I don’t wish to speak ill of the dead BUT you say "He was an expert rod builder and smoked a prodigious number of salmon for his many friends along the Wye Valley. Is that the  epitaph to ensure the future of Wye salmon?

I’ve read all the recent “research” suggesting that released salmon are not the best spawners - but unless I’m missing a trick; the smoked salmon ranks at the very bottom of the spawning league and this sets an appalling example. You know full well that the Wye has been fished by far too many “fishmongers” for far too many years, often encouraged by ghillies to kill their fish.

Even worse you ask for weight and length and “the photo”. Poor old salmon out of the water to qualify, weighed, measured and photographed with no advice about keeping the fish in the water?!!

Please amend your circulars forthwith to ensure that in EVERY utterance you stress how important it is NOT to remove the fish from the water. You have taken on responsibilities by launching your organisation so you MUST exercise that responsibility 24/7

You are certainly not “Twp” so think before you write and consider the impact  that any words you write may have on your audience.

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