Friday 4 March 2016

Upper river up a little more this morning and coloured.  No chance really at the moment and another two or three days at least needed to drop off in this area.

Someone on another forum mentioned the Shoothill gauge map for river levels.  Check out the website below;

Easy in the extreme. Comprehensive -almost anywhere in the UK.

LATEST.   No fish reported so far.

Strange goings on at Dildo Lake in Newfoundland. See below. The mind boggles!!!
New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Mar. 4, 2016
Quebec Special Salmon Angling Rules for 2016
Quebec has announced changes in Atlantic salmon angling rules for 2016, as well as announcing their 2016-2026 Management Plan is coming soon. Read more at:

Fredericton Fly Fishing Film Night
On March 17th, the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) will be hosting a fly fishing film night  in Fredericton, NB, for all those who can't wait for opening day. For full details, go to Facebook and search "Fredericton Fly Fishing Film Night", or for basics, go to:

The NL Ice Fishing Derby that Killed Atlantic Salmon
A Newfoundland Ice Fishing Derby with big prizes resulted in the death of at least one Atlantic salmon kelt, and created a rethinking on the Dildo Lake Ice Fishing Derby.

DFO Says Fish Killed Definitely a Salmon:

SAEN Calls for Angler to be Charged:

Dildo Pond Fishing Derby Results Annulled - No Prizes Given Out

Paul Smith Calls for an End to Killing Kelts

More Problems for Cooke Aquaculture
An article in Nova Scotia points out several issues arising recently regarding Cooke Aquaculture operations.

Salmon Farming in Norway Hitting a Wall
An examination of salmon farming in Norway notes the accelerating costs of dealing with sea lice and other issues in Norway's salmon farms. Land-based closed containment operations are now being talked about.

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