Friday 18 March 2016

Another fine dry day in prospect though possibly cloudier and colder than yesterday.
Springers are not setting a very hot pace at the moment and with levels continuing to drop and with the bulk of the early fish hopefully yet to come lets hope they don't all get trapped down on the lower beats once more.  Seemingly no rain for the forseeable future.

Sheepwash opened their account today with this lovely 13lb springer taken on a red/yellow tube fly by Roy Cartwright. Just what a Wye springer should look like.  Nice one Roy.

Another superb fly caught Wye springer from Association water near Ross.
Taken by Jason Newton on a Tummel Monkey fly.  15lbs.
Good to see the fly scoring well. Well done Jason.

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Mar. 18, 2016
Massive Aquaculture Proposal Risks Threatened Atlantic Salmon in NL
ASF and the Salmonid Council of Newfoundland and Labrador (SCNL) are calling for a full Environmental Impact Statement for a project planning to double the province's aquaculture production.

ASF's Don Ivany was on THE BROADCAST, and explained several of the issues related to the project. To listen, go to:

The Grieg plan, including the use of Icelandic-origin eggs has the potential to impact already threatened wild salmon. Interesting account:

You can make public comment on the project until Mar. 26 - but the NL Government will not send a paper copy of the proposal to you. Read Sean Vardy's experience:

Land-based Aquaculture Business Expands
With none of the risks of at-sea open-cage salmon farming, Sustainable Blue in Nova Scotia is expanding production. Read more:

AquaBounty Attracts Large Fines For Losing Track of GM Salmon
AquaBounty is continuing to gear up to grow out genetically modified salmon, and an important aspect is to track all stock. They have apparently had issues with this.

Scottish Dam Reclassification May Help Spey River Salmon
In Scotland, good news for wild Atlantic salmon. A major dam owned by Rio Tinto Alcoa has been reclassified and owners are now obligated to provide fish passage into upper parts of the Spey River system.

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