Quote Originally Posted by Dan Dare View Post
Looks bright enough...and big enough, to me, and I would have been over the moon to have caught him.
One day maybe.
bright enough??? that's the dirtiest spring fish (if it is) that I have ever seen, given the fact it was caught early march, fish at this time of year, don't colour up quick, not quick at all, proper springers stay silver and fresh and don't look like that till they have been river fish for months, that fish, looked dodgy from the start, the size, even with all the different theories looks grossly exaggerated, I mean come on? its put in the book as 35lb, the some bright spark claims it should have been 43lb, it has the look of a rawner, colour of a rawner, and size in scale of the wader boot of a fish under 20lb, a typical wye springer, doesn't look anything like that, why wasn't there a head pic? it makes you wonder? pound to a penny, it had disease on it, and not the typical small distinctive head of a true springer, fish with that look/colour used to come into the coquet , that time of the year, swim round dazed looking, in the shallows, and were not true springers they were rawners, sorry for being so negative, but fresh springer of 43lb ha ha not in any way convinced sorry,