Wednesday 16 March 2016

Picture of Stan Turners 20lb fish from Aramstone as reported earlier in the week.

River conditions are as good as you are likely to get them this spring apart from that nagging easterly wind on more exposed beats making it feel cold.
Rewards could be worth it however and Geoff Tyler lost a really big fish yesterday fishing Loxsters Pool on Whitney Court.  Any area upstream of Ross in particular could meet a big fish. Seems to be the trend at the moment on several rivers of the odd really big fish about.

NOTE. We will not be recording salmon with no captors name given.

A 10lb fish from Caermawr today for owner Wayne Tyler.
 Nathan Jubbs fish was also taken from there not Caerwnon as I stated yesterday. Well they do sound similar!!!

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Mon., Mar. 14, 2016
ASF Preliminary Risk Assessment of Grieg Plan for Placentia Bay Aquaculture
ASF has prepared an initial overview of its concerns with a massive aquaculture development project planned for southern Newfoundland. The public cutoff for comment on the need for a full environmental assessment is March 26, 2016. ASF encourages readers to convey their views before that time. The email address to send comments is listed on the webpage.

DFO Invites Proposals for Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program
DFO has just announced the fifth round in this program, and is asking for interested organizations to submit applications. For more details, go to:

Greenland Tradition a Sticking Point for U.S. Atlantic Salmon Restoration
NOAA is not just looking at taking down more dams in Maine but also working to reduce the harvest of Atlantic salmon by Greenlanders. Read more:

Salmon Hatcheries Change Gene Expression
Ground-breaking research in Oregon has shown that growing salmon in hatcheries causes some genes normally "switched off" in wild fish to be "switched on" and vice versa - and the impacts last a lifetime. It highlights the need for hatcheries to provide conditions as close to wild conditions as possible.

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