Salmon Watch Ireland is holding a a conference on 21st November in Dublin on that topic which causes hot dispute amongst anglers scientists fisheries and IFI. Hatcheries and stocking. €30 -conference limited to 150 places.

‘Hatcheries and stocking – have they a role in restoring Atlantic salmon stocks?’
Salmon Watch Ireland
Saturday, 21 November 2015 from 11:00 to 17:00 (GMT)
Dublin 4, Ireland

Can hatcheries restore Irelands dwindling Atlantic salmon stocks? The conference will investigate the potential of stocking and how or indeed if it can be used to help restore Irelands dwindling stocks of Atlantic salmon.
Speakers will include Dr David Solomon, consultant on salmonid fish and fisheries, Professor Carlos Garcia de Laeniz, University of Swansea, Dr Mick Millane, Inland Fisheries Ireland and Dr Stephen Marsh- Smith, Wye and Usk Foundation.