Friday 16 October 2015

With the end of the season almost upon us I am having to close this blog for the time being due to health problems.
Can I thank everyone who has sent me information, photographs etc. not to mention the encouragement to do this. I appreciate all of your comments.

I sincerely hope to continue some time in the future.


N.B    Congratulations to Martyn Wright for three fish today at Bigsweir taking the beats total for the season to 300.  A great result for Bigsweir sign off the season with.

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Friday, Oct. 16, 2015
ASF RIVERNOTES - Mid-October on Glorious Rivers
The Miramichi's Atlantic salmon fishing season ended yesterday, on a particularly glorious fall day. Read about the latest returns of salmon on the Miramichi and other rivers as we approach the spawning period of the salmon's life cycle.

Note: Lately the high volume of traffic on the ASF RIVERNOTES site soon after ASF Webworks is published has led to access issues. Thus we have added a page with the same Rivernotes information and photos have been added to the ASF website here:

"While Happening" Report from the Land-based Workshop in West Virginia
ASF's Shawna Wallace has been attending a two-day international summit on land-based closed-containment aquaculture, and provides an introduction of happenings there for ASF's Research Blog.

ASF's John Burrows talks about opening up the Piscataquis
A project on Blackstone Brook has provided vastly improved passage for salmon on an important tributary of the Piscataquis. Check out the 45-sec. video and details.

Two Federal Political Parties Respond to Questions from the NB Salmon Council
The NB Salmon Council recently asked the Federal parties to answer questions related to a number of Atlantic salmon issues, and the Liberals and NDP responded. Read the responses.

The Penobscot River Restoration Project, largest of its kind in North America, almost complete
The BDN takes a look at the latest part of the Penobscot Project, the Howland Fish Bypass.

Genetically Modified Salmon Petition Needs More Signatures
GM Salmon pose a threat to the integrity of the genetics of wild salmon if they escape, and yet there has been only a cursory assessment of this hazard by government. Read more.

Friday 16th October 2015

All the latest fishing news from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal

Angling Trust and Fish Legal - Main News

Angling Trust Flies the Flag for Fishing at Party Conferences

The Angling Trust, as the national representative body for all recreational fishing, has once again joined forces with the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) to fly the flag at this year’s party political conferences at a series of Rural Receptions.
> Read more

Angling Gets A Voice At Heart Of BBC Programming

Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust & Fish Legal, has been appointed to join the BBC’s Rural Affairs Advisory Committee, an influential body that provides advice and feedback on BBC output across all broadcast platforms, and in particular programmes dealing with rural, agricultural and environmental issues. This is the first time that angling has ever been represented at this level.
This appointment will not only provide an opportunity to highlight issues of concern to Britain’s three million anglers, such as the plight of marine and freshwater fish stocks, but also to get more coverage of angling on the many BBC TV, Radio and Digital channels.
> Read more

Angling Trust Carp Team England Bring Home Spanish Gold

Team Manager Rob Hughes and his England Carp Squad have brought gold back to UK shores from this year’s World Championship in Spain. In a tense 3-day battle on the banks last week, which ended in a nerve-wracking stewards enquiry for final places, England's hopes for their first ever gold medal spot were finally rewarded.
Congratulations to the team which consisted of England regulars Billy Flowers and Jamie Londors, UK No. 1 seeds Alexei Bygrave and Harry Charrington, former British Champions Neil Rivers and Chris Holmes, big hitter Mark Bartlett and Ebro expert Paul Booth. To keep in touch with Carp Team England subscribe to their Facebook page.

Earth's Wildest Waters - The Big Fish

Don't forget to tune in to BBC2 at 8pm this Sunday 18th to see Angling Trust Ambassador, Matt Hayes and Ben Fogle, presenting episode two of "The Big Fish". This new show heralds the welcome return of angling to the BBC.
> Find out more about The Big Fish and meet the contestants and presenters
It’s great to have angling back on mainstream TV and the first show included some fine camera work, good production values and a stunning, if cold, location. But most important of all, lots of non-anglers watched too and we hear that viewing figures were excellent. You can watch the repeat of episode one tomorrow, Saturday night or watch now on BBC iPlayer.

Winter National Fishing League Coming Soon!
Register and get involved NOW!

The Angling Trust and Angling Times National Fishing League Winter Season runs from 7th November 2015 to 7th February 2016. We want our members, clubs and fisheries to enter the League so please forward this email to your members and customers. The League is a great way to compete against other anglers and gives anglers the chance to be crowned the National Fishing League Champion. Plus, it’s totally FREE to take part!
Anglers, clubs and fisheries can register to host matches or take part by contacting their Angling Trust Regional Officer - contact details HERE.
> More info about prizes and entry

Fish Legal News
You can read more Fish Legal news HERE

Fish Legal Secures £6,500 “Fish Kill” Compensation for Todmorden Anglers

Fish Legal has secured £6,500 compensation for its member club, Todmorden Angling Society, following pollution to their Grove Lodge coarse fishery near Rochdale, cause by a factory fire and explosions at Multiroof Building Products in May 2012. The inferno caused residents to be evacuated, destroyed several buildings and businesses and required 21 fire engines to attend. The devastation caused a toxic solvent sludge to enter the Lodge water killing hundreds of fish.
> Read more

Tidal Power ‘Gold Rush’ Slowed

The pioneering tidal power developer Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Ltd (TLSB), with whom Fish Legal and south Wales member clubs have been arguing for over two years about the risks to migratory fish (particularly salmon and sea trout) from its proposed £1 billion Swansea Bay tidal lagoon, recently announced that construction will not now begin as planned in spring 2016, mainly because there has been a delay in securing the exceptionally high ‘strike price’ (£168/MWhr) it had requested from the Government.

The fishing interests regard the delay as vital in order to do tagging and other studies to identify the precise movements of salmon and sea trout within the bay, information which should have been the basis of the company’s predictions of ‘encounter rates’ with, and thus mortality from, the lagoon’s 16 massive turbines. TLSB – without having done this research – had modelled the mortality as ‘negligible’.

Funding Cuts Lead to Hydro Re-think

A council-backed hydropower scheme on the River Aire at Salts Mill, near Bradford, has been ‘shelved’ because of proposed cuts in government subsidies and a fall in electricity prices. Fish Legal had argued, on behalf of member club Saltaire AA, that the hydro diversion would seriously deplete flows into the club’s weirpool fishery. The postponement (or possibly abandonment) of the project, which had been assessed under the pre-2014 hydro ‘good practice guidelines’ (since superseded by provisions that are more protective of river flows) - should allow this issue to be properly addressed if a similar project resurfaces.

Your Right To Know

Following Fish Legal’s major victory subjecting water companies in England & Wales to a legal duty of disclosure for environmental information they hold, Fish Legal has produced a factsheet which includes guidelines on what you can ask for and how to get it.

If you are a Fish Legal fishery, riparian or club member and would like a copy of the ‘FOI - Your Right To Know’ factsheet, please email us at to request a copy and include your membership details.

Angling Surveys - Please Take Part and Make a Difference
We currently have these three surveys running - if you haven't taken part yet please take a few minutes to let us have your input. Thank you.

Closing Date Extended:
Major Survey On Angling Participation

We'll use findings from our major national survey on angling participation to help get more people fishing more often. We've already had over 11,000 responses but particularly want to hear from anyone who no longer has time to go fishing or who only goes occasionally - so if that's you or someone you know, please take part now.
> Take the SURVEY here
Congratulations to the winners of this survey's Glasgow Angling Centre £900 prize draw which ended on 4/10/15: 1st - S Kelman, 2nd - R Davies, 3rd - P Hayes.

Invasive Non-Native Species Survey

Please help Emily Smith, our "Invasive Non-Native Species Manager", with her survey looking into the awareness of British anglers of conservation issues which affect our waterways. The findings of Emily's work, produced in partnership with University College London, will be used to improve the information available to anglers about conservation issues and help anglers learn how to protect their fishing venues. The questionnaire takes less than 10 minutes.
> Please help out at

Fish-Eating Bird Management Trial:
Questionnaire for Licence Holders & Fishery Owners

A brief online questionnaire aims to get feedback about the one-year trial of our Fishery Management Advisors (FMAs) and area-based licences (ABLs), aimed at improving the management of conflicts between fisheries and fish-eating birds, principally cormorants. Please only complete this questionnaire if you have had direct contact with an FMA or are an ABL or individual licence holder.
> Go to the questionnaire

General News and Classifieds
Events and articles of interest from the Angling Trust and the world of fishing

Live River Level Information Free of Charge at

The Angling Trust and Environment Agency bring you free river level information at Our mobile-friendly site lets you search and locate your closest river level gauges, fishing spots, clubs, coaches and tackle shops. If you register for a free account too, it means your saved favourite fishing places will always be available on any device wherever you are.

Updated Top 50 Coarse Fish Lists from the BRFC

The British Record Fish Committee maintains an accurate list of British record fish and Top 50 Coarse Fish Lists.
The Committee has just updated the Top 50 Coarse Fish Lists and these are available for download from our website.
There are some absolute huge fish listed so have a look and find inspiration to target a whopper!
> View the lists

Please Help Save Our Salmon

We won the readers' vote in the July issue of Trout & Salmon magazine for a project that aims to return the salmon to abundance and get UK, Welsh and Scottish governments to act now. Anyone who donates will get free supporter stickers and their name published in Trout & Salmon magazine.
> Find out more and donate via

Help us get more people fishing more often...
Our participation events and competitions are for anglers of all abilities. Get involved, come along, bring a friend and have a go! Don't forget that occasional anglers and newcomers can buy a one-day or eight-day rod licence.

Sea Angling Species Hunt: Have You Registered Yet?

Our popular Species Hunt for sea anglers has got even better prizes and a new structure with more chances to win - find out more at and get hunting!
The Species Hunt has been developed to appeal to all Sea Anglers and to get more people out there fishing more often. Check out the Hunt's Facebook page.
The Hunt is sponsored by TronixPro with fantastic prizes and badges for monthly Specimen Hunt winners plus cash prizes in the annual Species Hunt awards to be announced in March 2016. Register now for your chance to win!

FREE: Lure and Predator Fishing at Coventry Canal Basin

Level 2 Coach Dave Mutton is leading a programme to teach you all about lure and predator fishing at the Specimen Fishing UK tackle shop in Coventry.
Sessions are free and open to anyone aged 19 to 25, for the next 5 Saturdays (incl. tomorrow), from 2pm.
Bring your own tackle or use the kit provided, but be quick as spaces are limited and sure to be taken up quickly.
For more info contact Angling Trust Regional Officer Dave Evans on 07854 239 721 or

Improve your Lure Fishing with Northampton Nene AC

Northampton Nene AC are running a Lure Fishing Workshop to help anglers improve their skills.
The session will be hosted by local licensed level 2 coach Paul Douglas who will provide loads of useful tips to help you up your catch rate.
It's on Sunday 18th October at 8am on the Grand Union Canal at Stoke Bruerne.
The session costs just £5 and include expert tuition, a day ticket and a selection of terminal tackle. It's a bargain!
Contact James Roche on 07791 786 251 or to book your place or for more info.

FREE: Get Back into Angling at Bulwell Hall Lakes

Get Back into Angling this October at Bulwell Hall Lakes.
We want anglers of all abilities, ages and experience to come along and rediscover their love of fishing.
Dig out that old tackle or borrow what you need on the day.
There will be advice on techniques & tactics to help you catch more fish.
Absolutely FREE with bait provided too! It's on Friday, 23rd October.
Contact James Roche on 07791 786 251 or for more info.

For more events like these in your area contact your Angling Trust Regional Officer.

Competition News
Read all the latest Angling Trust Competition news HERE

Fish ‘O’ Mania XXIII Dates & Venues Announced

The Angling Trust and Matchroom Sport have announced dates for Fish O Mania XXIII. The 2016 competition will feature 28 qualifiers, an increase of 12 on previous years, with 19 venues and 4,380 tickets to enter to scoop a cool £50,000! Applications for tickets will open on Wednesday 6th January 2016. Ticket prices for qualifiers will remain at £25 each and applicants must be a member of the Angling Trust.
> View the full list of qualifier venues and dates

Job Vacancies
Find Angling Trust jobs and volunteer positions HERE

Two Current Vacancies - Applications Close Midnight Today

  • Coaching Support and Administration Officer. Closing date 16th Oct.
  • Safeguarding and Protecting Children Officer. Closing date 16th Oct.
> Job descriptions and application forms

Member Offers
We've got several new special offers and discounts for our members coming online soon.
Watch out for a dedicated membership benefits email next week with more news...

Social Media - Follow us!

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Try "Fishing Info" our website that allows you to find fishing venues, tackle shops, coaches and clubs near you and save them as your favourites:

Buy a 1 day, 8 day or annual rod licence

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Cormorant picture used with permission from Mick Vogel
Artist's impression of hydro installation from Thames Anglers Conservancy
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The Angling Trust, Eastwood House, Rainbow Street, HR6 8DQ.
Registered Business Number: 05320350.
The Angling Trust is the national representative and governing body for angling in England. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association using the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories.

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