Saturday 10 October 2015

6lb fish yesterday from Handcocks Stream on Golden Mile for Roy Cartwright on a Willie Gunn tube.
Two today from Upper Bigswier, Bigswier and one from Spreadagele today and yesterday.

Tweed picking up with over a 100 yesterday and Tay still going strong.   Dee -dire!!

Useful contact numbers here for alll NRW regions;

Seems some people want to cast doubt on reports of fin clipped fish even suggesting scale sample -though admittedly that person was an ex WUF employee who trolls the internet  with wisdom only known to him.
Problem is it works in a negative way and I know of at least one person who caught a fin clipped fish, who, having no witness or camera to prove he did so, declines to report it officially for want of being criticised or even called a liar. Its a common problem now. Due to spin and duplicity, back door deals and the quest for funding no one believes anyone any more I'm afraid!!

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