Thursday 28 May 2015

Some recent fish reports.

Wyesham,  Tim Risedale reports three fish, No weights or method given.
One from Spreadeagle by ?  8lbs on fly.
Goodrich Court 13lbs from the Vanstone to Peter Lloyd
John Viggers  22.5lbs from Wyeshams Bridge Pool. Spinner.
Steve Brown, 14 1/2 lbs from Kerne Bridge. Spinner.

Somewhere amongst the above fish is the 200th May fish this season depending on whose counting what.

Those beats with coarse anglers had best make the best of it in the next coup[le of weeks before yo find your beat compromised by someone of another persuasion... Nothing wrong with coarse fishing but not on the same beat at the same time please!!  If it's suggested you have to share then go somewhere else is my advice..


See below information from DEFRA regarding the diseased salmon found by an anglers and collected by the EA for examination.   I have hearxd of several other dead fish since though probably as the result of catch and release though who knows -well WUF do apparently.

Diseased salmon on the River Wye

Thank you for your email of 5 May to George Eustice about diseased salmon on the River Wye. I have been asked to reply.

In understand from the Environment Agency that it received a report about salmon you believe had contracted Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis (UDN). At the time the report was received a fisheries officer was available to provide advice, but was unable to attend due the distance from your location. Instead, a non-fisheries officer met with you within 4 hours to collect the salmon specimen. This was then put into storage before its transportation to the Environment Agency’s laboratory at Brampton, Cambridgeshire for analysis.

Environment Agency officers were unaware of the specific guidance for dealing with this situation when the report was first received and, unfortunately, provided you with unclear advice. In order to clarify the situation in respect of killing the diseased fish, the local Environment Agency team sought advice from the enforcement team and national colleagues to establish the correct position.

The Environment Agency subsequently issued a fact sheet about UDN in fish along with a brief statement. The statement made it clear that fish suspected of UDN, or other skin conditions, should not be removed from the river or killed. Removing or killing salmon with UDN could result in enforcement proceedings being taken. This information was sent to partners and other interested parties within the Wye catchment.

The Environment Agency later contacted you following correspondence it had received about the contradictory and unclear information issued, and possible enforcement proceedings. The Environment Agency thanked you for reporting the incident, apologised for providing unclear advice, and to reassure you that there were not going to be any enforcement proceedings against yourself.

The Environment Agency are planning to meet representatives from the River Wye angling stakeholder groups during June to discuss how they will work together to respond to fish disease incidents in the future.

For your information, I enclose a copy of the guidance issued by the Environment Agency on how to deal with suspected skin conditions in fish.

Yours sincerely,

Charlotte Wicker
Defra - Customer Contact Unit

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