Friday 29 May 2015

A short period of very heavy rain in the early hours has raised levels somewhat on the uppermost river.  I expect this not to be a rise of any real consequence but may introduce some colour. however more rain late weekend may be considerable.
Some peaty stain on upper river from the Irfon in particular but no great rise in levels at all.
Should be all hands on deck on lower beats tomorrow at least.

New fish obviously coming into the river still -how far they get upstream will depend on water levels after the rain forecast over the weekend.

Fish reported late yesterday evening at Cadora by Mr M Preece. 17lbs  Spinning.
Another yesterday. a fish for Stuart Smith Caemawr. 12.5lbs.
6 fish today from Wyesham from 10 to 15lbs.  Mostly on F/C
A 10lb fish from Ross AC on fly to Jon Daniels again
2 to cadora Backs and Redbrook. 8 and 10lbs -spinning..

Two from upper Bigsweir today to Ross James 14 and 8lbs  See below

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