Saturday 30 May 2015

A good day for the syndicate at Bigsweir today with 7 fish.
Bigsweir now on 47 for the season.   Looks like it's all down to poor sea survival -the excuse when things are not so good!!!!

3 to Steve Locke on a Park Shrimp. 8 -12 and 13lbs
2 to Peter Hickman 12 and 20lb plus spinning.
A first salmon to D Lawton. 12lbs -spinning
One to Kenny Powell on a spindle fly.
Hope for pictures later.

 A 12lb fish to Bill Haines from Coedithyl

Third fish of the season for Dave Palmer from Golden Mile 11lbs on a Shrimp Fly.

Medt Office seem to be in a right mess -three different official met office sites all have a different take on the weather.   Looks at the moment as though there will be liitle significant rain/

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