Saturday 23 May 2015

Some fish from today.

Ian Spalding reports a fish from Monk run. Letton. 15lbs on fly.
12lb fish from the Nyth to Alfred Pope.
24lbs fish for David Rance from the Grange on Fly.
Pwll y Faedda 9lbs to Brian skinner. Spinner.
11 1/2lbs Ed Brown Bigswier.  Yesterday.
12lb fish fro HDAA water to shane watkins. F?C

See below the latest diatribe from WUF.  We have had some pretty extraordinary updates but this one takes the biscuit in its critical reporting of a removal of a diseased fish from the river. In my opinion the angler did all the right things in removing a dying rotten fish from the river with the possibility it may have had UDN. He took the trouble to report it the the EA and followed their subsequent instructions to the letter. It't obvious from the state of the fish it would not recover despite what the psuedo scientist from WUF may now have to say.Not sure ikt's in the dentristry manual is it? At least we have clearer guideline in this respect and although the initial response from the EA was shoddy in the extreme at least it caught thier attention even though I note those in real senior EA guys deceided to keep their heads down.

As in all things of course WUF know whats's best for you and to suggest the angler was lucky to escape prosecution is pathetic.
As in all things of course it was the fact that it cost the EA money to pursue this, which in WUF's  opinion has been wasted, and after all isn't money at the root of everything WUF pursue. If there is not a fee, a grant or some other incentive involved they are nowhere to be seen.
As for money being wasted - how much of their millions spent has been just that I wonder?.

As for the nature lesson!!!

WUF Update

23rd May 2015

At Llanstephan, the big change this week has been to the trees. We are always later than the lower river but quite suddenly, they are all out in what seemed to be a single day! The birdsong has been magnificent and the two pairs of wagtails have both hatched their broods. The largest brood of duck has been an incredible 15 and the sandpipers are nesting on the bank feet away from the footpath at Gromain. It is a glorious time to be near the river!
The fishing has been very encouraging with sea-liced fish taken every day on the Wye. Usk has produced a few springers, with Chainbridge and Trostre amongst the successful beats.
Wye catches will have pushed over 300 sometime in the next few days. Rather unusually the whole river has been fishable at the same time: a few days ago a fish was taken at Craig Lynn (near Rhayader) and at Coedithel in the tidal section - over 130 miles apart!
Trout fishing has been slightly less difficult than of late: the winds have abated and at last there are some significant hatches including the Mayfly.
Rather less encouraging has been the recent spat over the issue of what to do if a diseased fish is found. On the lower Wye in England an angler took it upon himself to catch and kill one and then berate the Environment Agency and just about everyone else for what, we are not quite sure.
The law of common sense and Wye byelaws say don't kill fish. Its quite common to see the odd one especially in a cold, low water April such as we have had this year. As we have pointed out in previously years in similar circumstances, a high percentage of these fish recover when water temperature rises. They are often caught with healing or healed ulcers plainly visible. It is not UDN
Yesterday just such a recovered fish was caught and released at Spreadeagle. This survivor will breed a healthier stock. We would all agree that the EA and their Welsh counterpart, NRW need more than a nudge sometimes, but the extent to which this harangue continued showed an unnecessarily unpleasant side of anglers. The upshot is that the river is down a fish and the cost of EA staff time of the order of £5000 - £7000, more or less completely wasted when there are so many crucial issues to be sorted. EA advice can be seen here. That angler is lucky not to have been prosecuted.
On to brighter things: We should see some sea trout entering rivers such as Tywi and Teifi.
A sandpipers nest typically with four very large eggs
Salmon with white lesions: This is not UDN and the fish is likely to recover if left alone
On to brighter things: We should see some sea trout entering rivers such as Tywi and Teifi. Both will have had a good wash out. Salmon fishing on the Wye and lower end of Usk should be good with the action progressing down river as it drops or conversely back to the top if it rains again!
Trout fishing should also be good especially those places that have a Mayfly hatch such as Arrow, Lugg Lynfi Dulas (wild stream) and of course many others too.
The Booking office will advise. Catches and reports can be access on the links shown below

All the best from WUF

Details of our Projects can be found here.
Click here for anglers' reports and here for monthly fishing reports.
For details of WUF's Consultations, Click here.
EA & NRW Emergency Hotline: 0800 80 70 60    Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water Emergency Sewage Line: 0800 085 3968
Rainfall at Llanstephan 2015 to date: 10" (2014: 54" 2013: 39", 2012: 47", 2011: 29")
Bookings and availability Tel: 01874 712 074
This email was sent by The Wye & Usk Foundation.
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