Friday 22 May 2015

Apologies for no updates. Off the air most of yesterday.

Letton.  9lb cock fish to Jerry Odie on Bann shrimp
Whitney cort. Fly caught fish of 22lbs to Mark Eyre
Spreadeagle.  15lb fkly caught fish to Stephen Morley
Ty Newydd  8lb fish to John Hounslow.

To catch up on a few catches from yesterday.

Ian Spalding Craig Lyn  10lbs.
Gromaine  10lbs  By ???????? The shy one!
Wyesham 9lbs . Tim Risedale flying c
Spreadeagle  8lbs on fly for David Rance
Rectory. Mark Lloyd 1lbs fly.

With the river at last settling properly conditions will improve after recent ups and down and unexpected coloured water.

Anyone thinking of visiting Hay an Wye area this weekend - well don't.  the Hay festival is well and truly under way and no doubt canoe traffic will be even more horrendous in this area from Glasbury downstream..  Perhaps the Angling Trust or WUF guys would like to pay a visit and see what its all about. NOT.

This is interesting.  Catching one fish for their licence makes it unviable say the lave netters.
Well NO fish for Wye anglers, even if they manage to catch one, is even less viable in real terms.  Should think themselves lucky to be able to keep one.  Anyway isn't it the tradition that's important!!!

Government curbs on catches threaten lave salmon fishing in Severn estuary | Environment | The Guardian

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