Sunday 24 May 2015


Two from Wyesham, both 10lbs Mr Terry and Ray the gillie. Both on? -yes flying Cs
One from Bigswier to Martin Ashby?.

River dropping back everywhere and today' s rain looks like being a patchy affair and possibly not affect conditions. Aweful scenes on the river around and above Hay with masses of extra canoeists all paying £25.00 plus per person day for a 3 mile canoe trip. It's called getting fat at someone else's expense.
Wonder what happened to the £7,000 Splash funding handed out to WUF try and sort this out. We shall never know as the cliques that now control this river keep themselves ever to themselves.

LATEST.  Nothing yet today so far. every man and his dog is out fishing it seems, except me, so no doubt reports may come in later.

In the meantime if you have been following the BC Salmon Farm issue led by Alexandra Morton please see the latest below.

As British Columbia teeters on the brink of permitting the salmon farming industry to meet its stated goal of expanding by 40%, the Premier, Christy Clark has to decide whether or not to give every one of these new applications a Licence of Occupation.
Over 107,000 people have signed this petition:
OK - important instructions here.
If you want to sign please do so ASAP.
If you represent a business or society in British Columbia please review the letter below and respond to this email if you want to sign on with the name of your business/society.
If we want the salmon farming industry to remove itself from our wild salmon migration routes, it is our responsibility to be clear about this with our government. 
Thank you all and perhaps I will hear from a few of you... 

Alexandra Morton

Dear Premier Christy Clark,

We, the undersigned, are convinced by the published scientific evidence that open-net salmon farms are a threat to BC’s Wild Pacific Salmon. Taxpayers foot the bill for a $37 million Federal Inquiry that concluded diseases from open-net salmon farms threaten the survival of wild sockeye salmon. Over a decade of science warns that sea lice from open-net salmon farms kill juvenile pink salmon and can depress their populations. Coho, sockeye and chum salmon are also at risk.
Despite all this, the federal government is set to move forward with an unprecedented expansion of the industry in British Columbia, with new sites and massive increases in production at existing sites. We are calling on you to stop this. You are the “landlord” of this industry.
We support the 100,000—plus people that have signed a petition asking you not to allow the salmon farming industry to expand and with this letter, we add our support to their call for meaningful and decisive action. You and the Government of British Columbia have the ability to disallow the issuance of open-net salmon farm Licenses of Occupation. We need you to exercise your ability to halt this expansion now.
Wild salmon are the cornerstone of our beautiful province. They sustain our healthy ecosystems. They bring in revenue that dwarfs the open-net salmon farming industry. But most importantly, they’re a part of our culture. They’re a part of us.
As it is your duty to this province and to future generations, we call on you to stop the expansion of the open-net salmon farming industry. You have the power.


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