Tuesday 17 March 2015

Well there was one fish caught yesterday. Johnathon Daniels had a prime springer if just over 20lbs from the Ross water on a traditional 3" devon minnow.

Pretty meagre returns at present and one has to so things are not looking too good.   Having said that things can suddenly spring into life -lets hope so anyway.

More rain yesterday than was forecast but river is pretty steady in all areas.

19lb fish from Tyrcelyn today to Alfred Pope. No other details

Tuesday 17th March 2014

Angling Trust Fisheries Enforcement Campaign Bulletin

The Angling Trust has fully responded to concerns throughout the angling community to prioritise enforcement and lead on protecting fish and fisheries.

Starting with a blank canvas in November 2013, our small but growing enforcement team has made a significant impact on how fisheries offences are perceived and understood by the police, encouraging a multi-agency approach to intelligence-sharing and operations with the Environment Agency. More details on our enforcement team follow below.

The Angling Trust is a most active member of the England & Wales Poaching Priority Group, contributing to that area of the National Wildlife Crime Unit’s business, and a keen supporter of Project Trespass – an initiative to educate police forces nationally regarding the wider negative implications of poaching.
Raising Awareness Outside Angling
Awareness of the issues involved have been raised throughout the enforcement community and general public through a high profile media campaign and liaison with influential stakeholders – including the Association of Chief Police Officers. This has led to numerous invitations to speak at various police conferences and other events, in addition to training police staff from an ever expanding number of English forces.

Working with the Environment Agency
The Angling Trust, in partnership with the Environment Agency, continues to deliver the Voluntary Bailiff Service Phase 1 pilot project in South East England, supporting the delivery of fisheries enforcement – which we are anxious to extend throughout England as soon as possible.

Working with the Police
Having trained police officers, in partnership with the Environment Agency, from West Mercia, Warwickshire, and Gloucestershire Police, the Angling Trust is currently working on Operation LEVIATHAN - a major ongoing operation covering the entire Severn Basin, with all of those forces. News will soon be released about LEVIATHAN and other similarly large-scale operations targeting illegal angling and fish theft follow.

SmartWater Partnership
The Angling Trust has also worked in partnership with crime fighting company SmartWater – a world leader in forensic technology – to address tackle theft. A bespoke forensic taggant, unique to each individual customer, has been developed for anglers and made available to Angling Trust members at a very generously discounted price.

Other Partners
The Angling Trust, working in partnership with the National Wildlife Crime Unit, Environment Agency and Institute of Fisheries Management has delivered Fisheries Enforcement Workshops throughout England. Aimed at all anglers, these are vitally important, as are our various guides to angling law and process, in helping to educate us all as to how the law and system works – and how we make it work for and not against us. Book a place on the next workshop HERE.

Building Bridges with Migrant Anglers
The Angling Trust Enforcement Department actively supports and promotes the vital ‘Building Bridges’ Project, aimed at educating migrant anglers, encouraging integration, not alienation. Links have been forged with Eastern European enforcement agencies, and intelligence-sharing arranged. Indeed, the Angling Trust arranged for Polish PSR officers to visit England and share Best Practice with the Environment Agency and police, and participate in Operation TRAVERSE – which the Angling Trust was instrumental in initiating.

Angling Enforcement at Westminster
The Angling Trust has also taken the migrant angler issue to Westminster, requesting a Parliamentary Debate to identify further sources of help. This work is supported by Daniel Kawczynski MP, the Prime Minister’s Envoy on the Polish & Eastern European Diaspora in the UK, whose office is currently arranging meetings with the Polish and Lithuanian Ambassadors in London.

Taking the Issues to Court
Having now achieved results with the police, the Angling Trust also recognises the need to brief the Crown Prosecution Service and courts – so is providing expert Impact Statements in fish poaching cases in order to accurately contextualise the issue and achieve appropriate sentences.

Angling Trust Membership
The Enforcement team will continue delivering all of this, and expanding areas of operation and interest – but with greater resources and more support through increased membership, we could do even more. Please forward this email to a fishing friend or colleague and encourage them to join us too.

Meet the Angling Trust Enforcement Team...

Dilip Sarkar MBE
Angling Trust National Enforcement Manager

Dilip is a retired West Mercia police officer with significant experience in various aspects of policing – including criminal investigation, multi-agency working and intelligence-sharing. A lifelong angler, he is a former President of the Pike Anglers’ Club and an active supporter of the Severn Rivers Trust. The Fisheries Enforcement Campaign is largely his personal vision - and the progress made to more appropriately locate fisheries issues within the wider frameworks of Rural, Wildlife, Business, Hate and Organised Crime are plain to see.


Rado Papiewski
Angling Trust ‘Building Bridges’ Project Manager

A British citizen and passionate angler, Polish-born Rado founded the ‘Building Bridges’ Project, which he now manages full-time. Dedicated to integration, Rado is President of the Polish Anglers’ Association in Great Britain. His work is entirely supported by Angling Trust Fisheries Enforcement Campaign staff.

Nevin Hunter
Angling Trust Key Volunteer

Nevin retired from Devon & Cornwall Police last year, at which time he was Head of the National Wildlife Crime Unit. Nevin, who has vast experience as a detective and Wildlife Crime Officer, is now assisting with delivering the Fisheries Enforcement Campaign, training police officers and encouraging joint operations in the South West.

Kevin Pearson
Angling Trust Key Volunteer

Kevin is a retired West Midlands Police officer of similarly impressive experience, who now heads up the Birmingham Anglers’ Association’s team of water bailiffs. Kevin is contributing that experience to Fisheries Enforcement Workshops and assisting with intelligence-sharing.

Chris Leibbrandt
Angling Trust Key Volunteer

Chris is a tackle trade and marketing professional who contributes gratis design-work to the Voluntary Bailiff Service and Fisheries Enforcement Campaign. Chris is a former General Secretary of the Pike Anglers’ Club and currently President of the Lure Anglers’ Society.

Karen Sarkar
Angling Trust Key Volunteer

A passionate angler and professional angling artist, for over two years Karen has provided essential and much appreciated administrative support to the Fisheries Enforcement Campaign - particularly in respect of Fisheries Enforcement Workshops and the Voluntary Bailiff Service.

More Information

Check out the enforcement articles on our blog at linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net
The Enforcement Campaign overview can be read HERE.
Download close-season, no poaching and no fish-theft posters from our website and access our multi-lingual leaflet.
For more information, please contact:

Dilip Sarkar MBE
Angling Trust National Enforcement Manager
07971 677 638

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