Tuesday 3 March 2015

One might of thought opening day would have produced a fish or two but so far at 8pm there have been no reports.  The day dawned bright and cold with snow on the Black Mountains and the Beacons.   Sunshine soon gave way mid morning to a horrendous mix of sleet, hail and snow that persisted for some time around Hay an Wye but then left behind a fine sunny afternoon.  Must be fish in the river somewhere surely.

More information regarding the EA failure to close the putcher rank with uncertainties about what happens next and how it will operate in the future.  Once again we have been sold a pup by the EA and WUF who as usual remain silent on the issue.  Says it all really.

News too regarding several tidal lagoons in the Severn estuary and all the implications that that may throw up.  does seem that we anglers are under seige from all sides and no one cares a jot about our rivers.

Maybe tomorrow will bring better news.

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