Monday 2 March 2015

Looks like a cold start to tomorows opening day with the possibility of overnight snow showers and a cold strong wind.  River is in reasonable condition in most areas with some colour and water temperatures are sure to be on the low side.
Given the good running conditions during the winter a fish could come from almost anywhere.
On the upper river Spreadeagle looks a good bet, Builth area or even Newbridge.
Lower down Moccas or Winforton and lower still the Carrots, Golden Mile or the Ingeston/Ross area.
If fish are sparse however its a big river and its a matter of luck if your in the right place at the right time.
No doubt spinning will be the preferred method but a big sunk fly could well do the trick as well.

We would be grateful for news of any catches with the names and location of capture.  We would be happy to put any photographs in our gallery section.
Good luck to everyone and lets hope for better things this season and we get back to something like it used to be;

If there are not many fish then guess its all my fault.  Below from 1988. Disgusting isn't it ???????

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