Tuesday 31 March 2015

FISHING??   Forget the Wye for a while,especially the middle and lower river for at least several days, possibly longer.  Good spate on at the moment and more rain seems likely.

A few 'late' reports of fish.
Caradoc.  19lbs to David Harrington. Devon.
Backney. 8lb fish to Laurence Birkin.
5 last week from Bigsweir between 7 and 15lb plus a 47 1/2 " fish reported 35lbs plus.
The fish was caught by Philip Mackie assisted by Dave England on the net. It was a hen and was just short of 48" long, caught on a FC in Llandogo Run on Sun 29th at 16.30 and took 25 mins to net.
Camera was in the car and fish welfare took priority over camera so unfortunately no photographs.
What a fish though!!!!!

Also a fish reported from Wyastone Ley. Mid teens. No  further details?

This item from the Below Angling Trust Newsletter is interesting.   How often do you hear of siltation or pollution issues being prosecuted or even given any publicity.   How often I wonder do these things quietly get swept under the carpet with a little 'sweetener'.
Reminds one of the Gas pipeline that thrashed its way through the Usk and Wye valleys with'compensation' paid to certain bodies. Not a hint of a prosecution.

Slurry Spill Farmer Let Off with Donation to Charity Rather Than Prosecution by Environment Agency Without Consultation with Angling Clubs Affected

The Angling Trust & Fish Legal have raised concerns that the Environment Agency (EA) chose not to prosecute a farmer who polluted Wellow Brook in Somerset with 150,000 gallons of slurry, killing hundreds of fish. The farmer was allowed to make a donation of £5,000 to the Bath & Avon Rivers Trust (BART) charity and the EA’s costs (amount presently unknown) through a new mechanism called an Enforcement Undertaking (EU), and avoided getting a criminal record. One EA representative said it was the worst pollution she had seen in 17 years and another referred to a ‘tsunami’ of slurry.
Despite acknowledging “the serious environmental harm the slurry had caused” the EA accepted the EU, rather than prosecute. The Angling Trust & Fish Legal are also concerned that:
  • it took the EA over 12 months from the conclusion of its investigation to confirm what action it would be taking;
  • the EA failed to comply with its own guidance about consulting victims before accepting the EU (Fish Legal’s two member clubs affected knew nothing about the EU until they read about it in a news article) and;
  • the EA’s powers to accept EUs instead of prosecuting are likely to be widened this April to include environmental permitting offences, which could mean that EUs become more widespread.
Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust & Fish Legal raised the issue with the Chairman and Chief Executive of the EA at a meeting on 24th March 2015.
Fish Legal is awaiting the EA’s response to an information request about this case, after which it expects to challenge the EA’s complete lack of consultation with (or even notification of) the angling clubs directly affected by this decision.
Mark Lloyd said:
“It is absolutely unacceptable for the EA to fail to consult victims, whose interests have been significantly damaged, before deciding whether to let polluters off with donations to charity instead of prosecution. The Agency needs to recognise that the decisions they make directly affect angling clubs and other riparian owners, whose fishing rights are worth billions of pounds. Potential polluters also need to know that they will be punished with a criminal record if they trash the environment. We have raised this issue at the highest levels in the Agency and will be pressing for guarantees that they will always consult with victims in future.”
Contact: Fish Le

Tuesday 31st March 2015

All the latest fishing news from the Angling Trust and Fish Legal

Angling Trust and Fish Legal Top News
This edition we bring you news of our challenge to political parties to continue their support for angling, Fish Legal's concern that the EA have let off a slurry polluting farmer with a donation to charity rather than prosecution and a great member discount on holidays and tackle...

Political Parties Challenged To Sign Up To A Manifesto For Angling

The Angling Trust has published its 2015 Manifesto for Angling ahead of the General Election on May 7th, which is being sent to all the main political parties and to members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Angling, in a move to continue the strong cross-party support which angling has enjoyed in recent years
> Read the Manifesto for Angling

AT Urges Anglers to Make Bass An Election Issue

The Angling Trust wants to see bass stock recovery raised as a General Election issue and is urging anglers to contact their local candidates to seek pledges of support for ‘a fair, balanced and proportionate’ package of measures that targets commercial fishing practices that are doing the most harm to the UK’s most popular saltwater sportfish.
(A separate members update will be coming out shortly covering the new bag restrictions now in place - make sure you are on our Sea Update mailing list also by clicking HERE!)
> Read more

Big Result at The Big One

Thanks to everybody who came to the Angling Trust stand at the recent 'The Big One' show and talked to us about our campaigns to protect fish and fishing.
As well as signing up over 100 new adult members, we had the opportunity to reaffirm partnerships in the angling industry and grow support amongst the trade for our campaigns on enforcement, participation, poaching and pollution as well as drumming up support for our international competitors.
Pictured: Angling Trust Carp Team England Manager Rob Hughes and our Building Bridges Project Manager Rado Papiewski met up to discuss the issues surrounding migrant anglers and plan future communications about this important area of our work.

DON'T FORGET: Enter Our Spring Raffle for Fish and Fishing - Win a Fishing Holiday in Venezuela!

Take part in the Angling Trust and Fish Legal Spring 2015 raffle and you could win one of 10 great prizes. Top prize is a dream fishing holiday for two in Venezuela worth £8,500 provided by Roxtons Field Sports. Other prizes include a short-break holiday at one of the Forest Holidays centres in the UK, Daiwa tackle vouchers worth a total of £3,000 and annual subscriptions to Bauer Media Group angling titles including Angling Times, Sea Angler and Trout & Salmon.
> Full details and entry at www.anglingraffle.net

NEW: Enforcement Blog

Please take a minute to read the latest blog about our angling enforcement campaigns from Angling Trust Fisheries Enforcement Manager, Dilip Sarkar MBE. This is just one great example of why your individual membership support is so vital to our work.
> "Fisheries Enforcement Campaign: The Vision Progresses…"
Our FEWs (Fishery Enforcement Workshops) have been a vital part of raising awareness and training anglers to respond to angling related crime - book a place on the next workshop for just £20 and get a full day of quaility assured training from Angling Trust, Environment Agency, IFM and Police experts.
> Booking: Open to all anglers - ideal for clubs and bailiffs

Shooting Day Raffle Ends Soon:
Last Chance to Buy a Ticket Before 31st March!

Tickets for our fabulous day of pheasant and partridge shooting are selling like hot-cakes but there are a few of the 300 tickets still available at just £100 each to win the whole package for 8/9 people including a fine lunch. You can even arrange with the donor the date next winter in Wiltshire that suits you best. Please spread the word to everyone you know who might be interested. Don't miss out by putting it off - get your ticket NOW!
> Enter the Shooting Day Raffle Here

Rod Licence Income Funds 17 New Fishery Improvement Schemes

The new Fishery Improvement Fund, administered by the Angling Trust and funded with rod licence income from the Environment Agency, has made funding awards to 3 fisheries, 13 clubs and 1 angling project totalling £65,000 to improve facilities for angling throughout England.
> Read more

Fish Legal News
You can read more Fish Legal news HERE

Natural Resources Wales Failing to Protect Welsh Fisheries

Fish Legal, representing its member club the Seiont Gwyrfai & Llyfni Anglers’ Society, has issued another judicial review against Natural Resources Wales (NRW) as part of a long-running campaign to save the endangered Arctic charr at Llyn Padarn, North Wales.
> Read more

Environment Agency Ignores Own Guidance by Accepting ‘Enforcement Undertaking’

Fish Legal has written to the Environment Agency to express its concerns that the regulator accepted an enforcement undertaking rather than prosecuting farmers who polluted Wellow Brook in Somerset with 150,000 gallons of slurry, without consulting two Fish Legal member clubs affected by the incident. Anglers only became aware that the farmers have agreed to pay £5,000.00 to the Bath & Avon Rivers Trust, together with Agency’s costs, by reading about it in the press.

Despite acknowledging “the serious environmental harm the slurry had caused” the Environment Agency accepted the enforcement undertaking, rather than prosecute. The Agency’s approach contravenes its own internal guidance and is a particular concern, as powers to accept enforcement undertakings rather than prosecute are likely to be widened this April to include environmental permitting offences.

> Read more

Water Companies Seek Guidance on Implementing Fish Legal Ruling

Fish Legal has learnt that all the major water and wastewater companies in England and Wales have, together with their representative body, Water UK, instructed a firm to provide advice on the application of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 to them. This comes after the ruling in Fish Legal’s recent landmark case requiring them to respond to environmental information requests from the public under these regulations. The companies are seeking guidance on how to respond to requests and what information they are allowed to charge to supply.

We would be interested to hear from any members who have already exercised their new right to ask for environmental information from their local water and sewerage company. Let us know what you asked for and how your request was dealt with by emailing admin@fishlegal.net

Fish Legal Talk at the Institute of Fisheries Management

Fish Legal’s Head Solicitor will be giving an evening talk about the organisation’s recent successes and the changing nature of its work on Wednesday 8th April 2015 at the Institute of Fisheries Management in London. More details and contact information for anyone wishing to attend can be found HERE.

Competition News
Read all the latest Angling Trust Competition news HERE

The UK’s Number One River Competition is Back!

Angling Trust’s RiverFest is back with a bang and is bigger and better than ever with four more qualifiers and a whopping prize pool of £34,000 expected to be paid out over the two day final in November.
> Read more

Membership Offers
You can check out the full list of great membership benefits and offers HERE.

NEW: Member Discount
The Rod Rest That Coarse Anglers Are Talking About...

Who thought the back rest could be re-invented? Well, Bank BUG have done it, and are offering Angling Trust members the opportunity to purchase the amazing Rock Steady Back Rest system at a discounted rate.
To get your £5.00 discount on a set of three rests, simply call Freephone: 0800 088 6565 with your membership number. A complete set of three rests retail at £29.99, this is your chance to snap them up for £24.99 post free.
This offer is for a limited period only so order NOW.
View the video HERE.

Exclusive Offer: Save 10% with Forest Holidays

10% off at Forest Holidays - visit www.forestholidays.co.uk and enter code ANGLING10 in the promotional code box when booking*

* Code entitles a paying Angling Trust member to 10% off the cost of a cabin at any of the 9 Forest Holidays locations. This code must be applied at the time of booking and cannot be used with any other offers. All bookings must be made by 30/06/2015. Forest Holidays reserve the right to withdraw this code at any time.

Navionics Offer at The Big One

In the next edition of this e-news, we'll be announcing the winners of five Sonarphone units and the Navionics SonarCharts live app, that our Trade member Navionics very generously donated to us at last weekend's The Big One show.

Dates For Your Diary
Meet the Angling Trust and Fish Legal at the following shows and events...

Family Fishing - Sheffield - 11th April

Family Fishing Fun Day #familyfishing
Do you fancy a day out with the family with lots of family friendly activities? Would you like someone to learn about the pleasures of fishing and being outdoors?
Free sessions of instruction with our licenced angling coaches plus lots of other fun things for non-anglers and other family members. All tackle provided - just bring yourselves!
For more details or to get involved call Angling Trust Regional Officer - Andy Loble - Yorkshire & Humber on 07539 416223
More Family Fishing Days around the country will be announced soon.
> Read more

North East Fisheries Enforcement Workshop - 9th May

The Angling Trust, in partnership with the Environment Agency, Institute of Fisheries Management and UK National Wildlife Crime Unit is holding the North East Fisheries Enforcement Workshop at Long Marston, York, North Yorkshire YO26 7LN on Saturday 9 May 2015.
This will be a very full day and subjects include:
  • Conflict Resolution
  • How fisheries enforcement is delivered, and how this fits within the bigger picture of Rural & Wildlife Crime
  • How best to address issues concerning migrant anglers
> Read more

Level 2 Coaching Courses

If you are interested in taking the Level 2 Angling Coach course then you will find all the details in our website via the link below.
Applicants for a Level 2 course are normally required to hold a Level 1 Award/Certificate in Coaching Angling and to supply evidence of this with their Level 2 application. (Any application for exemption from Level 1 must have been formally approved before a Level 2 application can be processed.)
> Read more

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