Says it all really.
Dear Friends,
We have a very timely meeting this week with the journalist Robin
Eveleigh who has just had this story published in The Observer today: 'Chicken farm giant linked to
River Wye decline was sued over water blight in the US'.
Robin has unearthed some crucial documents relating to a US legal case,
brought by the State of Oklahoma against Cargill and a host of other
poultry companies for the pollution of the Illinois River.
The Illinois River was a scenic and beautiful river which suffered
pollution from the intensive poultry industry's manure, leading to algal
blooms. Sound familiar?
Please join us to discuss what the Wye can learn from the tragedy in
Our Chair Tom Tibbits was quoted in the Observer, saying: “To see
history repeating like this is heartbreaking. Where’s the corporate
responsibility? They had the knowledge but didn’t clean up their act.”
Here are the details for the Zoom meeting:
Tuesday 27 Sep
- 7pm - Zoom meeting with journalist Robin Eveleigh to discuss poultry
pollution, the Illinois River, Cargill and Avara
Meeting ID: 844 2834 0182
Passcode: river
We hope to see you there!
With best wishes,
Friends of the Upper Wye
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