Saturday 2 January 2021

 Cold weather looks set for a while now with some snow here this morning.  As levels fall further there may be a chance to see how many redds may have survived.

We are all aware of the problems on our river and so it seems are others.

See below a post on the Salmon fishing forum which many of you perhaps are not members of.

It was posted by Derrick Maund  so thanks to him.

I details bodies who are seemingly on our side, at least it some respects but by no means all.  You have to ask the question just how effective are they?

Although we don't have the 500 acre managed wetland, at least not yet ,we do have the "LOWER LUGG VALLEY PROJECT" which encompasses the management of the 20 or so gravel pits in the area of the lower Lugg , the show piece of which is Bodenham lake and the 105 hectares of wetlands known locally as Lugg Meadows or "the Flats." The pits and the recent purchase of Oak Tree farm, which is to be turned from grazing land into wetland, is managed jointly since 2016 by "THE HEREFORD WILDLIFE TRUST" which operates under the umbrella of "THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WILDLIFE TRUSTS" and by "NEW LEAF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT LTD." The work is funded primarily by the "EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND" as part of the "DELIVERING THE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT. " There is also the "LUGG WETLAND GEM PROJECT" funded by the NATIONAL LOTTERY FUND."

There is a "DEFRA WATER ENVIRONMENT GRANT" which is used to host a "CATCHMENT ADVISORY OFFICER" who will work on the" FARM ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN" which will compliment the current "LUGG LIVING LANDSCAPE PROJECT" which in itself is part of the "RESTORING OUR AMAZING RIVER PROJECT" which operates in partnership with WUF and "WYE VALLEY ANOB"

Lugg Meadows has been since 2015 run under the stewardship of "HEREFORD WILDLIFE TRUST" and is part of the "FLOOD PLAIN MEADOWS PARTNERSHIP" the steering group of which is made up of representatives from "THE OPEN UNIVERSITY", "NATURAL ENGLAND", the "ENVIRONMENT AGENCY", THE WILDLIFE TRUSTS, THE CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY, THE FIELD STUDIES COUNCIL, THE RSPB, "THE NATIONAL TRUST" and "PEOPLE NEED NATURE."Apart from all this the Lugg itself is a SSSI and in parts a SAC. How could we go wrong?

Despite all this, the grants,the participation of so many nationally respected bodies, the endless "projects" , the area in question fails its ecological tests so seriously that the Herefordshire County Council has had no choice but to place a moratorium on any further development in the area because the local environment just can't take any more pollution.

Where are we going wrong?

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