Friday 11 December 2020

 More on the River Lugg issue.

Who are Mr Best and Mz Fowler from the EA I wonder and what positions do they hold?


The minutes of the meetings held on 18 August and 8 September 2020 were agreed.


Cllr. Rowsell reported on “a very useful” walkabout with the Environment Agency. The meeting supported Cllr. Rowsell’s proposal to talk to Bodenham about their experience of having a flood working group.

Mr W Best, Environment Agency informed the meeting that riparian owners are responsible for maintenance but accepted that this may be beyond their capability at times and provided a helpline number.

Ward Cllr. Bowen said Balfour Beatty has been alerted to the need to remove silt from the third arch of Lugg bridge. The highway authority is responsible for the watercourse under bridges and roads.

Ms Liz Fowler, Environment Agency, kindly offered to provide support in setting up a flood group should this be something the parish council decides to do.

The Chair thanked Ms Fowler and Mr Best for joining the meeting online.

[Ms Fowler and Mr Best left the meeting.]


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