Wednesday 2 December 2020


I see WUF are having an auction atthemoment with various items and beats on offer.   Some useful ones but one in particular caught my eye   Won't say too much but take a look for yourself -do you fancy it at that price or even the £205 that's been bid so far.????  Just what is considered a high average these days?

Item Description

A weekends salmon fishing for two people on the lower river Wye at Upper Bigsweir, or on the upper/middle Wye at Caemawr if the water levels are high. The fishing is to be taken during the 2021 season.

These are exceptional beats with a high average catch for salmon. Both offer a good mix of fly and spinning water. Given enough notice, the beat's gillie will be on hand to offer advice and guidance.

The choice of beats can be decided on the day and will be dependent upon water heights.

Guide price £400

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