Sunday 20 September 2020

 Things still in the doldrums with only one fish reported yesterday estimated at 8lbs from the Vanstone to James Hanson.   Low water persists and very few fish in evidence though the barbel are well to the fore with plenty of fish in double figures especially on the middle river.   With the amount of caoarse fishing visitors it seems the Wye is now more famous for it's barbel than it is for its salmon.  Who would have thought it.

Still no more information on the Lynfi pollution incident and as time goes by I suspect we may not find the culprit.  The bio digester based near he river would be my bet as the pollution was said to be organic and it has polluted before but who knows -NRW don't seem to.

I see the canoe were out in numbers again today, that's on the Glasbury /Hay section where there was supposed to be a new agreement in place brokered by WUF.  As usual no one is taking any notice whatsoever and we as anglers seem to be under attack from all areas/.  Whatever happened to this great river!!!

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