Wednesday 26 August 2020

 Yesterdays dramatic rise is now starting to fall on the upper river but not everywhere of course and it may be a considerable time before lower beats see any action.   Several days too for the middle and upper river.  Perhaps when it falls away we may get some idea of how many fish are around and how many gain access to the upper beats who have been so desperately short of fish.

Talking of fish;

Plus a report in the weekends paper of the escape of 600,000 diseased fish from cages in Chile.  The Government there is going to sue Mowi, the Norwegian owners , for millions of dollars for environmental damage.  When will the salmon farming debacle end.?


Found this the other day too.  A cartoonist who' s name I can't remember, came to a Committee Meeting of the Hereford Fly fishers Club when I was Chairman and drew members of the Committee.  Old Charlie Ashford is sadly no longer with us but I know most of the rest are and still fishing.   It was a good club with its own water and an extensive range of outing to waters all over England and Wales    I enjoyed my time there and was  sad to leave when I went to live at Sennybridge.   Club is still going though having a problem to secure their lease on there water at Wellington I understand..   There is of course the offshoot of the Hereford fly dressers club who hold meetings every month or did - pre Covid.

Two more pages from Hutton.   Some impressive figures for you to reflect on in the light of where we are today,  Makes you weep.

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