Tuesday 27 September 2016

Well there was indeed another small spate which is already starting to drop.  However its obviously going to put the fishing out for a couple of days on the upper beats apart perhaps for those above the Ithon junction.  Elsewhere river carries considerable colour.
 Fish will be quite keen to get up there near the spawning redds now we in the latter stages of a our season.   Most of the fish will be coloured  with the hens ripening up-whats the point in catching them???.


Saw this on the Towy Forum penned by one Dai 'boyo' Watkins - ex WUF of course.

He said in relation to possible discussion on compulsory catch and release on Towy;

Stocking doesn't appear to work very well WW. The Tywi has been stocked for years. The Wye has just run a stocking experiment and from 95,000 smolts (not parr or fry) around 15 fish have been caught so far. Double that to account for fish that have been missed and that's 30 rod caught fish for nearly a hundred thousand hatchery smolts. There is 2 years left on the programme but it isn't looking particularly promising, especially considering healthy broodstock have to be taken out of the system anyway. Let's not go down the hatchery debate again though!


Its easy to make a statement like that when its impossible to know the facts .  Its suggested that we only catch perhaps 10% of the total run of fish into the river.  If so why then would would it be possible to  catch 50% of the stocked fish?
On the assumption that the rod catch only amounts to 10% then returns from the stocked smolts would be 150 or so. But there again logic doesn't often feature in some of these type of statements 

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