Sunday 14 August 2016

Only one grilse reported from yesterday at Bigswier (see yesterdays post)
Otherwise very little else to report on the salmon front.

Hoping to get the Tenkara rod out soon.  Prefer the Jewson approach personally.  12 foot flexible garden cane and pink binder twine triple twisted leader for visibility and delicate delivery..  Flies must be the Prof. Yoshi Wasabi flies which are hot at the moment,with feathers from the new strain of cock hackles gathered from inside the nuclear Japanese accident site which bring a whole new approach to fly tying with many new mutant meltdown shades of colour now available. You really do
 need to be at the front end of developments to catch those wild parr marked brownies.  Hoping for at least one good ten incher -but then again don't we all!!!!

Wyesham  2lb grilse for Zac Barrett on fly

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