Saturday 13 August 2016

Conditions are now looking very difficult with a warm dry week ahead it seems. lets hope the algae bloom doesn't rear it's head again though it seems unlikely to matter much the way things are at present on the main river.

5lb Grilse from Bigswier for Reg Lawton on a Cascade.
Bigswier now on 177.  Quite a few very small grilse around several of which were hooked and lost.

New ASF Logo

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Fri., Aug. 12, 2016
ASF Overview of European Salmon Rivers 2016
ASF has pulled together the most comprehensive report on 2016 European salmon returns on the web. We cover rivers from Iceland to northwest Russia and south to Spain. Check out the Torn River on the Finland/Sweden border with its 98,070 salmon so far.

Decision in NL Could Harm Wild Salmon Forever
ASF President Bill Taylor comments in the Toronto Star on the decision to allow the massive Placentia Bay aquaculture project to go forward.

Hot Weather Closes Rivers in Newfoundland
Here is a list of river closures due to high temperatures:

ASF Biologists Retrieving Tracking Data
ASF has pioneered the use of sonic transmitters in Atlantic salmon smolts and kelts as they migrate down their rivers and across thousands of kilometres of ocean toward Greenland and other feeding grounds. Graham Chafe describes the work of retrieving the receivers in the days coming up.

NL Poachers are Having a Major Impact on Salmon
Poaching is a major issue in NL and this article shows some of the recent activity in photos and text.

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