Wednesday 3 August 2016

No reports so far of any fish yesterday with the small rise failing to get the resident fish over excited it seems.   Nothing of much note in the forecast looking ahead so levels look likely to drop away again favouring of course the lower beats again.
Some of you may have seen the recent article in T & S regarding trout fishing on the Wye centred not surprisingly on the Rectory beat.  Ok as far as it went but I  just wonder why someone with more local knowledge could not have done the article, such as Dave Collins or even Oliver Burch.  At least they would have know that the backdrop to the beat was not the Brecon Beacons or that the 3lb brown trout they saw jump could equally have been s small barbel which often do that too.

(Note - I didn't say the 3lb brownie reported jumping -see above - was in fact  a barbel, I said it could have been.  The Watkins guy likes putting words in peoples mouths or hearing what he wants to hear -right Dave!!)

6lb fish reported off the Red Lion water today by Kenny Powell on a Garry Dog
This fish was fin clipped as apparently was a 16lb fish earlier in the season which he did not report.

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