Wednesday 20 July 2016

There are also concerns as to another type of poaching if you like, also taking place on the lower river where a certain person seems to be ignoring best practice by fishing guides by trespassing on beats he has no business to be on and thanks to Andy Mill and George Woodward for this information which may well be useful to others.  He has been challenged recently in the Courtfield area =see the attached report from Andy Mills

He was;  
·         poaching a beat close to mine
·         parking without permission 2 vehicles on the private Courtfield Estate
·         poaching the Courtfield Estate
·         and then
·         gaining access and parking illegally without permission 2 vehicles on Forestry Commission land
on the other side of the river at the bottom of my beat.

I warned Mr Lennon that morning, eyeball to eyeball, on that Forestry Land over which I have access rights.
that he was trespassing with vehicles and it would be wise for him to leave.
I further advised him I would be in touch with those in authority if he did not make endeavours to leave.

I was fortunate enough to later confront Mr Lennon
in the company of George Woodward.
George was able to advise Mr Lennon of the facts, of the wrong that he was doing,
whereupon Mr Lennon declared that the witness, me, must be a liar.
That is not the case.
I will protect my interests in the area.
I enclose photos of Mr Lennon and the vehicle he was using on that occasion.

Please feel free to use this information as well as my own, and photos, in any way you feel appropriate,
the better to inform other Wye riparian owners and rights-holders.
The WUF I am led to believe have also had problems with this gentleman illegally guiding on their beats.
Tim Lennons website provides no information on his accreditation, certification, or public liability insurance,
possibly because there is none.

kind regards
Andy Mills
Riparian lessee
Tunnel Beat

The pictures below shows the vehicle used by Mr Lennon and the second a photo of Mr Lennon (left) talking to George Woodward.   Forwarned is forarmed as you may well get a visit from this person and his guests.   As Mr Mills suggested Mr Lennon's website has little information other than a number to ring though he suggests he is somewhat of a 'celebrity' (aren't they all) having written articles for the angling press and also a book on barbel angling no less.  Does it contain a chapter on fishing etiquette I wonder.  See;  Rather reminds me of another wye guide I know!!

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