Wednesday 27 July 2016

Not much rain locally but once again the upper catchment is seeing a sharp rise with over a 2' lift on the Rhayader gauge but very little from the Irfon or Ithon so far.  Upper beats will obviously get this rise later in the day and so on downstream.  Should keep temperatures good - likewise fishing conditions.

Latest. Upper river dropped quickly but more rain tomorrow it seems.

Ingeston.  3 fish on fly to David Slade.on fly 3-5 and 13lbs

Some good wags on the forums from time to time.  Saw this one when discussing the new Wye Catchment initiative following the demise of WSFOA.

"The owners have been changing their name from time to time since they first started as the Wye preservation society in 1862. it reminds me of the way double glazing companies change their names to invalidate warranties. "

The other question is who voted in the Chairman, treasurer and secretary -- themselves.

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