Tuesday 26 July 2016

A few fish fish from yesterday;

Ty Celyn. One from the boat pool to Alfred Pope on a F?C
12lb to Maurice Hudson from Cadora Backs.
Wyesham 12 to Barry Warwick on fly.
Peter Lloyd from the Vanstone   8lbs  F?C

Joanna Fraser   12lbs from the Nyth on a Cascade
Goodrich. 13lbs to Barry Warwick   on fly.  
1olb fish on a F/C to Richard Woodhouse from Benhall, Ross.-

These two paragraph stood out to me;

3) All monies received by the Association shall be administered under arrangements to be made by the Treasurer with the approval of the Committee.
(4) The monies and property of the Association shall be applied exclusively in furtherance of the objects of the Association provided that nothing herein shall prevent payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Association (including an honorarium to the Secretary) or the reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred with the authority of the Committee in and about the conduct of the Association’s affairs.


Peter Horsburgh  Chairman
Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE    Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be “The Wye Catchment Conservators’ (hereinafter called “The Conservators”).
2. Objects
The objects for which the Association is established are:
(1) To safeguard the interests of the Wye Riparian and Fishery Owners in all matters affecting their rights; and
(2) To promote the wellbeing of the Wye catchment.
3. Definitions
In these Articles:-
“The River Wye” includes all tributaries of the River and its entire catchment;
“Fishery” means entire and exclusive full-season rights of fishing by rod and line in a defined part of the River Wye;
“Fishery Owner” means the Owner of a freehold interest or of a leasehold interest for a term of not less than three years (when granted) of a Fishery whether an individual, a plurality of individuals, a corporation, a firm, or an association of persons;
“The Committee” means the Committee of Management of the Association;
“The Secretary” means the Honorary Secretary of the Association;
“The Treasurer” means the Honorary Treasurer of the Association;
“Person” includes a natural person, a corporation, a firm, and an unincorporated association;
“Member” refers to full members (section 4);
“Membership year” bears the meaning assigned to it in Article 8(2);
Words importing the masculine gender are to be read as importing also the feminine and neuter, and words expressed in the singular are to be read importing also the plural.
4. Membership
There shall be four categories of member:
(1) Associate Membership of the Association shall be open to all Fishery Owners whilst they remain such, subject to the provisions of these Articles.
An Associate Member shall be entitled to receive a copy of all notices, appeals, reports and bulletins circulated to members generally (as such) by the Association, including notice of all General Meetings of the Association.
An Associate Member shall be entitled to attend and speak (as such) at all General Meetings of the Association held during a membership year in respect of which he has duly paid an Associate Member’s subscription. But no Associate Member shall (as such) be entitled to any vote at any General Meeting of the Association.
An Associate Member may as such initiate business for discussion and/or transaction at any General Meeting of the Association:
(a) with the prior consent of the Committee; or
(b) upon due prior notice in writing to the Secretary supported by the signatures of not less than two members (or their authorised representatives).
but no business initiated by an Associate Member (acting as such) shall proceed to any vote, except upon a resolution duly proposed and seconded by members or their duly authorised representatives.
(2) Full Membership
In the case of any Fishery of which the Fishery Owner is a corporation, firm, club or association of persons, that entity shall be eligible for one membership only.
Subject as last above indicated, no Fishery shall confer eligibility for more than two members, one in respect of the freehold interest and another in respect of the leasehold interest (if any).
A full member shall pay the annual subscription on the due date and shall be entitled to vote on all issues.
A Fishery Owner shall not by reason of ownership of more than one Fishery be entitled to more than one membership.
Chairman: Peter Horsburgh
Treasurer: Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
(3) Conservator is a full member who by virtue of making regular payments to an appropriate body or trust, enables the restoration and conservation of the river and catchment to proceed. This status is conferred at the absolute discretion of the Committee.
(4) Honorary Life Member as detailed below:
(1) The Committee shall have authority to elect to be ‘Honorary Life Members’ of the Association, persons whom they consider to have rendered long and distinguished services to this Association or to the well-being of the River Wye and its catchment BUT so nevertheless that the number of Honorary Life Members shall not at any one time exceed three.
(2) Honorary Life Members shall be under no liability to make any annual or other contributions to the finances of the Association, shall (subject only as mentioned in (3) below) retain such status, once conferred, for life and shall, whilst retaining such status be entitled:
(i) be entitled to attend and speak (but not to vote) at any General Meeting of the Association; and
(ii) to be furnished gratis with a copy of all information material circulated to members, including Notices of General Meetings.
(3) The committee is authorised to terminate any Honorary Life Membership at any time without prior notice or explanation if not less than two-thirds of the total membership (including co-opted members) of the Committee so resolve, but not otherwise.
5. Committee
(1) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Committee of Management and (without prejudice to the express powers elsewhere in these Articles conferred upon the Committee) the Committee shall be competent to exercise all powers of management necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
(2) The Committee shall consist of:-
(i) the Chairman, ex officio.
(ii) the Treasurer, ex officio.
(iii) the Secretary, ex officio.
(iv) the immediate past Chairman unless and until he:-
(a) ceases to be a member; or
(b) indicates that he does not wish to serve; or
(c) ceases to be the immediate past Chairman.
(v) Eight members of the Association elected to the Committee as below provided.
(vi) Such persons as are for the time being co-opted.
(3) No person shall be eligible to be an elected member of the Committee other than an individual who is a full member and (alone or jointly with another or others) a Fishery Owner.
(4) (i) One member of the Committee shall be elected and serve from each of the six following divisions of the catchment:
 Source to Glasbury Bridge including Irfon and Ithon
 Glasbury Bridge to Lugg Confluence
 Lugg Confluence to above Wilton Bridge, Ross
 Wilton Bridge, Ross to Estuary
 The Monnow Catchment
 The Lugg and Arrow Catchment
and no-one may be elected to serve for a division other than one in which lies a Fishery in respect of which he is a Fishery Owner.
(ii) Two members of the committee shall be elected who are not attributed to any particular division
(5) The Committee shall have power to co-opt to the Committee additional persons up to a total of four who have special knowledge or experience of value to the Committee in the conduct of the Association’s affairs and may also co-opt additional Members up to the number of vacancies to fill any vacancy in the Members of the Committee to serve by election which arises from any deficiency of duly elected candidates.
(6) (i) Any member of the Committee may resign by giving notice to the Secretary.
(ii) A co-opted member of the Committee shall vacate such office upon the affluxion of the period for which he is co-opted or earlier request by the Committee to so do.
Chairman: Peter Horsburgh
Treasurer: Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
(iii) A co-opted member of the Committee may be co-opted afresh from time to time.
(iv) All members of the Committee who are members of the Association shall vacate such office automatically upon ceasing membership.
(7) The proceedings of the Committee shall be conducted and regulated in such a manner as they shall from time to time determine, but so that:-
(i) Minutes shall be kept of their proceedings.
(ii) the Chairman, if absent, then the immediate past Chairman if he is also absent, one of their number to be nominated for the occasion, shall take the chair at the meetings of the Committee; and the Chairman of the meeting shall in the case of an equality of votes have a second or casting vote.
(iii) the quorum shall be three, save for business arising under Article 9, when it shall be six.
(iv) co-opted members of the Committee who are not members of the Association shall not count towards the quorum.
6. Officers
There shall be three Honorary Officers of the Association namely the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be ex officio members but need not be Fishery Owners. The Chairman must be both a member and a Fishery Owner. At the absolute discretion of the committee, an honorarium may be paid to the Secretary.
7. Election of Officers and the Committee
(1) At the Annual General Meeting of the Association in each year there shall be elected for the current membership year the Honorary Officers and the members of the Committee to serve by election, and their predecessors in office shall retire from office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
(2) The Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancy that may occur in the Honorary Officers or the other members of the Committee by appointing a member to fill the vacancy but any person so appointed shall vacate office at the conclusion of the next ensuing Annual General Meeting.
(3) Subject to the provisions of these Articles every full member who is an individual shall be eligible for election as an Honorary Officer or any elected member of the
Committee. The Secretary and Treasurer need not be full members prior to election to office.
(4) Subject to Clause (5) of this Article only those candidates for office who have been nominated as such in writing to the Secretary at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting shall be voted upon for election. Every nomination must be signed by at least one member (other than the candidate) and the Committee shall be entitled to nominate a candidate for each of the Honorary Offices.
(5) A retiring Honorary Officer or elected member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election and shall be deemed to stand without re-nomination unless he has signified his intention not to seek re-election.
(6) Any outgoing immediate past Chairman shall vacate office upon his successor assuming it and may not stand for election to office in the ensuing year either as an Honorary Officer or as an elected member of the Committee unless he has been duly nominated in that behalf in accordance with Clause (4) of this Article.
8. Subscription
(1) Each member other than the Secretary and the Treasurer shall pay an annual subscription to the Association, and the amount of the annual subscription shall be such as the Association shall in General Meeting from time to time determine. Co-proprietors of the same interest in the same Fishery shall pay one subscription between them.
(2) The membership year shall be a period of 12 months commencing 1st January and a member who has not resigned his membership prior to 1st January in any calendar year shall be liable for his subscription for the ensuing membership year.
(3) Membership subscriptions shall become due on 1st January in each calendar year and (without prejudice to the powers of expulsion under these Articles) a member whose current subscription remains unpaid for 56 days after the due date shall not be entitled whilst it remains unpaid to attend or cast any vote at any General Meeting of the Association and shall if it remains unpaid for more than 56 days after the due date be deemed to have resigned his Full Membership at the expiration of such period, unless the Committee shall otherwise direct.
9. Expulsion
(1) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this Article the Committee shall have power to expel from membership any member or associate member whose conduct shall, in the opinion of the Committee, render him unfit for membership of the Association.
(2) No member shall be expelled until and unless:-
Chairman: Peter Horsburgh
Treasurer: Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
(i) he has been given written notice of a proposal to expel him which indicates, sufficiently to enable identification, the matter of complaint;
(ii) he has been afforded not less than 21 days in which to make written representations to the Committee and also, should he within that time intimate his wish to do so, an opportunity to appear in person before the Committee to answer the matter of complaint; and
(iii) the Committee, having duly considered any representations by the member so made, have voted for his expulsion by the votes of at least two-thirds of the members of the Committee present at the Committee meeting at which the question of his expulsion is voted upon.
10. Alterations of Articles
Proposals for any alteration of these Articles may be put forward at any time by the Committee or any member but only such (if any) alterations shall be made and have effect as shall be approved by resolution of the Association passed by not less than two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Association the notice of which shall have contained or been accompanied by particulars of the proposed alterations.
11. General Meetings
(1) There shall be two categories of General Meetings of the Association namely Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings.
(2) Whilst it is (subject to compliance with Article 15) permissible for any member or Associate Member to represent at any General Meeting of the Association any one or more other members and/or Associate Members, no member or Associate Member attending a meeting in any such additional capacity shall address the meeting on any issue without specifying the capacity or capacities in which he seeks to make each point he seeks to advance. Moreover, whilst a member or Associate Member may upon a given issue express in differing specified capacities differing views, he must upon each issue confine himself to one presentation of each separate viewpoint which he is concerned to ventilate.
12. Annual General Meetings
(1) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in every year General upon a date and at a time and place to be fixed by the Committee.
(2) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened within twenty-one days from the receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than fifteen members specifying the business to be transacted.
(3) Written notice of each General Meeting shall be sent to every member entitled to attend but any omission to give such notice shall not invalidate the proceedings of any meeting if a quorum be present at the appointed time and place. Not less than ten days notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting and not less than seven of any Extraordinary General Meeting.
(4) The notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall specify the general nature of all business proposed to be transacted thereat.
(5) The following business shall always be included in that transacted at the Annual General Meeting:-
(i) to receive and if thought fit to approve the Association’s Accounts to the end of the preceding year and to receive and consider the Auditor’s report thereon;
(ii) to appoint for the current year:-
(a) the Honorary Officers;
(b) the eight members of the Committee to serve by election;
(c) the Association’s Auditors.
(iii) to determine the members’ subscription for the current year;
(iv) to receive any suggestions by or on behalf of members for consideration by the Committee.
13. Procedure at General Meetings
(1) Subject to the provisions of these Articles the procedure at and proper conduct of General Meetings of the Association shall be under the control and in the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Chairman of the meeting shall have power to decide and shall decide any question arising as to who is entitled to vote at the meeting in right of any Fishery and his decision shall for the purposes of that meeting be conclusive.
(2) At any General Meeting the chair shall be taken:-
(i) by the Chairman but if absent:
(ii) by the immediate past Chairman or, if also absent:
(iii) by a member of the Committee to be nominated by the Committee member.
(3) In the event of any equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional or casting vote.
Chairman: Peter Horsburgh
Treasurer: Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
(4) The quorum for General Meetings shall be one-tenth of the members entitled to be present (whether personally or by duly authorised representative) and to vote thereat. If a quorum be not present within 45 minutes after the time fixed for the meeting the meeting shall stand adjourned for 7 days.
(5) Co-opted members of the Committee who are not members of the Association shall as such be entitled to attend and speak at General Meetings of the Association, but not to vote.
14. Voting at General Meetings
(1) Subject to Article 8 every member shall be entitled to attend and speak at any General Meeting, and a corporation, firm or association which is a member may do so by and only by its duly authorised representative.
(2) Upon any matter put to the vote only one vote may be cast by any one Fishery, and the same member (or duly authorised representative of a member) may not cast more than one vote save in so far as he may be the duly authorised representative of another member whose vote he is entitled to cast and whose vote is admissible.
(3) As between members who are members in right of the same Fishery:
(i) co-proprietors of the same interest (be it freehold or leasehold) in it shall if more than one be present vote (so far as entitled to vote) only by one of themselves to be selected by them;
(ii) a freehold owner shall be entitled to vote in priority and to the exclusion of a leasehold owner if both be present (or duly represented) unless that priority has been waived in manner below provided for.
15. Representation
(1) Any member may be represented at any General Meeting by his duly authorised representative, who shall be treated in all respects as if he were present as the member he represents.
(2) (i) Only such persons shall be accepted as duly authorised representatives as are
the subject of a written authority from the member to be represented which has been lodged with the Secretary not less than 48 hours prior to the meeting at which it will be sought to reply upon it, and has not prior to the
meeting been the subject of a written revocation communicated to the Secretary.
(ii) Any such written authority may be limited to a specified meeting or may be expressed to be operative “until further written notice to the Secretary”.
16. Waiver of Priority
(1) A member who is the freehold owner of a Fishery may by notice in writing to the Secretary waive in favour of a member who is the leasehold owner of the same Fishery any priority otherwise accruing to the freehold owner under Article 14 (3) (ii).
(2) No such waiver shall be operative until 48 hours have elapsed since its communication to the Secretary.
(3) Any such waiver may be expressed and take effect either as limited to a specified meeting or as operative “until further notice to the Secretary”, but shall in either case be incapable of having effect after the leasehold owner in whose favour it is given has ceased to be a member.
(4) A member who is a Fishery Owner in respect of more than one Fishery by virtue of freehold ownerships, may notwithstanding his own limitation under Article 14 (2) to one vote waive priority under this Article in respect of anyone or more named in the notice so as to enable all or any of the Fishery Owners having leasehold interests deriving from his freehold ownerships to vote.
(5) Any waiver given under this Article shall be deemed temporarily inoperative if and so long as at any General Meeting the member in whose favour it has been given is not present (personally or by duly authorised representative).
17. Resolutions
(1) Save as otherwise required under these Articles all resolutions duly put to the vote at General Meetings of the Association shall:-
(i) be voted upon by show of hands by those present and entitled to vote and
wishing to do so:
(ii) be carried if passed by simple majority of the votes duly cast.
(2) A poll may be required upon any resolution:-
(i) by the Chairman of the meeting; or
(ii) by the votes of one-third of those present and entitled to vote upon the resolution.
(3) Unless a poll is duly required a declaration by the Chairman of a General Meeting that a resolution has or has not been carried duly entered in the book of
Chairman: Peter Horsburgh
Treasurer: Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE Secretary: Seth Johnson-Marshall
proceedings of the Association in General Meeting shall be conclusive evidence of the fact.
(4) If a poll is duly required on any resolution it shall subject to the provisions of this Article be taken in such manner and under such arrangements as the Chairman of the meeting shall direct and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the decision upon that resolution of the General Meeting at which it was required to be taken. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this Clause, a poll may be taken by postal voting.
(5) If a poll is taken by postal or electronic voting the vote on the poll may be cast either by the member entitled to vote thereon or by his representative duly authorised to attend and vote on his behalf.
(6) If a poll is taken otherwise than by postal voting the vote on the poll may be cast:
(i) by the member entitled to vote thereon; or
(ii) by his representative duly authorised to attend on his behalf;
(iii) by a proxy appointed for the purpose by a written appointment by the member entitled to vote thereon in a form to be prescribed by the Committee and circulated with notice of the poll and lodged with the Secretary not less than 48 hours before the poll is taken.
18. Financial
(1) The Association shall have power to accept, borrow or raise moneys for its general purposes or for any specific purpose within its objects but no lender shall be required to inquire into the purposes for which any moneys are borrowed or to be concerned as to the application thereof.
(2) The Association shall not be entitled to pledge the credit of the members or any of them and no member shall be under liability to contribute to the funds of the Association otherwise than by payment of his annual subscription.
(3) All monies received by the Association shall be administered under arrangements to be made by the Treasurer with the approval of the Committee.
(4) The monies and property of the Association shall be applied exclusively in furtherance of the objects of the Association provided that nothing herein shall prevent payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the Association (including an honorarium to the Secretary) or the reimbursement of expenses reasonably incurred with the authority of the Committee in and about the conduct of the Association’s affairs.
(5) The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1 September and end on 31 August in the ensuing calendar year.
(6) Proper accounts and records shall be kept of the Association’s financial affairs and the accounts shall at least once in every financial year be audited by the Association’s Auditors.
19. Referenda
(1) The Committee shall have power from time to time to refer matters (not being matters which under these Articles are to be decided in General Meeting) for decision by members by referendum.
(2) The subject matter, form and manner of conducting any such referendum shall be in the Committee’s discretion, as also the majority which is to be accepted as carrying each matter referred.
(3) Matters referred to a referendum and carried by the requisite majority will (until and unless superseded by a subsequent referendum or a vote of the Association in General Meeting) according to their tenor become the adopted policy and/or decision of the Association observance of which by members will be an obligation of membership.
20. Dissolution
(1) The Association shall be wound up if:-
(i) a resolution that it be dissolved is duly passed at any General Meeting by a majority; and
(ii) that resolution is confirmed at an Extraordinary General Meeting held not less than six nor more than twelve weeks thereafter, of which not less than four weeks’ notice has been duly given, by a resolution passed by a majority of two-thirds of the members then present in person or by duly authorised representative and entitled to vote.
(2) Upon winding –up the Committee shall proceed to realise the assets of the Association and discharge its liabilities and shall distribute the surplus (if any) to such organisation having objects similar to those of the Association, or to such charitable body or bodies, as may have been prescribed under the confirmatory resolution for winding-up, or as in default the Committee shall prescribe; and upon the completion of such distribution the Association shall stand dissolved.
(3) A winding-up which has been duly resolved upon shall commence upon such date (if any) as has been specified in the resolution proposing it and if none then upon the passing of the confirming resolution above provided for

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