Monday 18 July 2016

Looks set for a couple of really hot days -lets hope it doesn't set off another algae bloom.Recent hill water has now reached the lower beats,

Fish from Bob Mason again from the Golden Mile. A fresh 12lb fish from Handcocks stream on self tied fly.  Picture taken from opposite bank.

Goodrich Court 4lb grilse to Karen Wooley. Her first salmon on one of my Willie Gunn singles and also lost another one. Congratulations.
Cadora back  7lb fish to stephen Orledge.  Spinning.

Better news for Alexandra Norton in her fight against the salmon farms in North America.  She doesn't give up.

In a stunning development Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd offered me a ship and crew to further my work protect wild salmon from salmon farms!
The launch of Operation Virus Hunter begins today with a press conference with First Nation leaders, Pamela Anderson and David Suzuki.
If you want to follow this voyage I have created a website to allow you to keep track of us and most importantly for you to help!
I don't think the Liberal government is being properly briefed on the impact of this dirty industry and so I set sail on the Martin Sheen on a research and public awareness mission.  This will be a peaceful journey, no harassment of the workers, no disruption of the daily operations of the farms, but we will be taking a close look at these farms.  They thrive on secrecy, however they are using public waters...
Here is the web link:
If you see the ship go by please photo and share.  This is our chance to speak to the world about the destruction of one of earths rare places that still makes clean water and food.
Alexandra Morton, Gwayum'dzi

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